Sunday, June 30, 2024

June Recap


I'm listening to voice in my head that says "Let's get this day started".   I had plans to connect with a friend at a local farmer's market- but she needed a rain check.  So- that was my excuse to have another cup of coffee and read some more of my book.  But now the coffee pot is empty and the clock tells me I should try to accomplish something before I run Thing 1 up to work.  

I'm loving that our summer continues to unfold at a slow and easy going pace!

As shared on our blogs, Summer for us has historically involved at least one, if not several, planned events.  

But this summer, the decision is  intentional to be less structured and hang closer to home.  I could list all the logic behind this decision- but in the end- it is what it is.   It is a summer where the entire Chang gang is at home-regrouping and preparing for new chapters.  

So- if we weren't off on great escapes-how did we pass the time this month?
Obviously- there have been a few cat naps enjoyed
and a short little escape to the high country
in search of cooler temperatures...
We had a surprise visitor one morning..
YIKES- boy was I  most grateful his visit was not 
on the morning I cooked breakfast outside!
As his presence was a tad too close for our comfort!

I've spent some time in the Hen Den
Scanning pictures-apparently to the extent that the cat 
found a new warm spot to hang out?

There's been some experimenting in the kitchen..
Be it a Hello Fresh meal
or a new cocktail to enjoy
Mother Nature decided to pay a visit
Leaving us in wonder as to whether our new roof 
could handle the impact...
Not pictured- but still memories worth savoring this month included- 
  • lunch with former co-workers who are now treasured friends.  Be it a trip to a coffee shop run by individuals with disabilities to lunch at Wendy's- it's great to maintain the connection with others.
  • An outdoor concert featuring an Eagles cover band.   Oh my- devotees of this genre of music sure are showing their age?!
  • Collecting a new bauble- after having two un-used pieces of jewelry repurposed into something I will wear routinely.
  • Making my final appearance at a neighborhood book club that I helped found nearly 15 years ago.  I'm eager to see where my love of reading will take me now that I'm not feeling the responsibility of keeping a group afloat.  
I'm feeling that this is "good enough" recap of a pretty chill month. 
Until next time-
May you find yourself with nothing
but time on your hands..
and may you lean into that feeling of 

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