Saturday, June 15, 2024

Destination Florida-2003

 Editor's note- This blog entry is part of my ongoing effort to transition from traditional scrapbooking to a digital format for story telling.   Taking apart scrapbooks- scanning pictures and trying to capture some of the stories behind the pictures.   While this post was written on 6/15/2024, it is a recap of a trip we took in 2003 and features pictures and journaling that I wrote in "real time"

November!   For most folks it is a time for pilgrims, turkey and all the trimmings.   For the Chang Gang, it is becoming the time to "Go Coastal."  The Things are off from school and Martha is getting tired of being land locked in Colorado.

Last November, we visited California.   This year's family vacation would take us to Florida.  

We would use this trip as a time to visit with some extended family

 and  even meet some cousins we never knew we had
we would catch up with a  childhood pal
and connect with a college mentor.

We would try to soak up some Florida sunshine
 and try not to be taken in by the fierce Atlantic undertow
We would even take time out to meet a famous cat 

and some other "Universally appealing characters.

 So, join us as we remember 

Our Adventure in Florida!  

On last year's vacation, we discovered how much fun the Things had just hanging out at the beach.  That was the main reason for picking this condo through our RCI exchange system.  It was located on the beach.  Or so the catalog said.  Our unit was actually across the street and we found  ourselves having to cross a major road with no cross walk.  
We also didn't take into account that November along the Atlantic coast is a very windy, choppy experience.  Oh well, the Things didn't seem to notice these adult issues and had a blast just hanging out!  

Sand in my swimsuit, sand in my hair.  

When I go to the beach, sand gets everywhere!

I wonder, I wonder, oh how can there be sand left at the beach when there is so much on me?

Poor Thing Two, after our first stop at the ocean, he was so upset to discover shells in his shorts.  But, he soon got over his sadness when he discovered the fun of trying to catch a wave!  

Day 1- 11/13 We would travel from Denver to Ft. Lauderdale via Spirit Air.   Checked into the Best Western South Miami.  While it was a beautiful lobby area, the room was pretty tiny.

Day 2- 11/14.  In the morning we visited the Gold Coast Railroad museum, enjoyed lunch with Uncle Andy at his restaurant and Dom attended the UM-ROTC Reunion dinner in the evening.

Day 3:  11/15. Delicious dim sum with Uncle and Auntie and then we headed up to Pomona Beach, checking into the Fairfield Ocean Palms.  Auntie Kelly joined us at this point.

Days 4, 5, 6 11/16-18. We spent our days lounging by the pool, checking out parts of Ft. Lauderdale, visiting a Children's museum and the beach.

Day 7- 11/19. Time for a Road trip!  We headed north to Melbourne Beach area to visit with Colonel Bob (Dom's mentor from college).

Day 8- 11/20. A surprise for the Things- A trip to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure.

Day 9- 11/21. Rest and regroup back at the condo

Day 10- 11/22. Homeward bound.  It was a long time to be away from home but all in all, a very good trip!

Dine In or Take Out?

Well, when your uncle owns the restaurant, there really is no question- it will be dine in!  It's also pretty apparent that you are about to enjoy an incredible and bountiful meal!  We knew that we couldn't be in the Miami area and not take time to visit with Dom's uncle Andy and his family.   What we weren't expecting was to be received with such a warm welcome.  Distance and an age difference has kept Dom from getting to know Uncle Andy and his family, but it was a real highlight of this trip to spend the day getting to know the Chan Family of Miami.  

Hanging Out at the Condo
One of the reasons for taking a vacation is to unwind.  The Things delighted in unwinding by watching movies on their dad's laptop.  Thing 1 was into a serious GI Joe stage so that was the movie du jour.  The condo was spacious with 2 large bedrooms and a common area. 
 While the Things watched their stuff, the adults read and caught some rays on the balcony.  

All Aboard
We took a side trip to the Gold Coast Railroad Museum where we explored the presidential rail car.  We sure hope that Air Force One is more plush as the rail car was indeed pretty bland inside
The Things try hard to beat dad at a game- judging from the scowl on Thing 2's face, we suspect Dom was winning
Museum of Discovery and Science
We stumbled across this museum in downtown Ft. Lauderdale.  The Things really enjoyed the hands on exhibits.  Thing 2 was especially intrigued by the Orange Grove exhibit which showed the steps in getting the oranges from the tree to the processing plant.  

He also found the giant gator to be lots of fun. 
We finished up our visit with a trip  to the 3D movie theatre where we enjoyed a great Christmas cartoon.
  All in all a fun time was had by all!

Il Padrino
A trip to South Florida just wouldn't be complete without taking time to see Dom's long time friend and mentor, Colonel Bob Miratello.  The colonel has been a mentor to Dom for nearly 25 years when they first met during Dom's college ROTC days.  As the colonel really had his hands full keeping tabs on Dom and his buddies, he earned the nickname of Il Padrino or The Godfather.

Through the years, Dom has been really good about keeping in touch with the Colonel.  But then again, given the exciting career the Colonel had,  it has been worth keeping in touch.  He not only served in the special forces, but he also worked for the Tampa Bay Polic department.  By far, the most interesting tales he tells are from his days working on the security team for Frank Sinatra!

During our visit, we got to meet his new friend, Sally and spend some time at their beautiful home in Melbourne Beach.  Although we were sad to learn about the colonel's divorce from Kathleen, we were happy to see he is moving forward in his own life.   We also learned that these days- he goes by his new last name- as he legally changed his last name to Lorenzo to honor his stepfather that had recently passed away.  No matter where you find him, or what you call him, he will always be a very special man to Dom and our family!  
The Swirling Vortex
The condo we stayed at had a couple different pools.  One day we discovered that one of the pools had a jacuzzi in the corner of the pool.  Thing was the first to discover this feature and with great excitement he shouted our "LOOK MOM, IT"S A SWIRLING VORTEX!"

We aren't sure where he came up with this phrase- as is often the case with things he says.  We suspect he heard it on a favorite tv show- Jimmy Neutron.   It doesn't really matter where he heard it, we all had fun playing in the jets.  Things, being things, delighted in discovering the jets had on their swim trunks.   As they filled their trunks with water, they giggled with great delight!

Once we returned home to Colorado, we decided to show them another surprise.  The bathtub in our master bath- also had a jet feature.  Only this time, they discovered the effect of jets when they don't have trunks on.  Yet another classic Thing 1 remark was heard "LOOK MOM, MY P IS DANCING".

Yep, without a doubt, there is never a dull moment with these two around!

It's all about the cat!!!

It is pretty safe to say that our #1 reason for trekking up to Universal Studios was to check out Seussville.  And within Seussville, our first stop would be the cat in the hat ride.  

Since Thing 1 started to read, he's been a huge fan of Dr. Seuss.  Without fail, each week he'd come home from the school library with a Dr. Seuss book.  It didn't matter if he'd already ready that book, or if we had that exact book at home.  The boy just loves his Seuss!
Talk about excited.  The kid could hardly contain himself when he discovered he would get to take a ride through the magical story and witness first hand the mischief created by Thing 1, Thing 2 and that cat in the hat!  Ok the rest of us must admit, we found the ride to be pretty amusing as well.  Thing 2 was amused to see the Things swinging from the ceiling on toilet paper.  Martha worried, oh no, what new antic will her own Things try now that they've seen the Things in action.
As adults, we would have been content to ride this ride just once.  Maybe a second time.  But, thanks to light crowds, we got to enjoy the ride ride at least ten times.  Oh well, the Things would still be talking about this ride for the months that followed, and isn't that what a trip to an amusement part is all about?

A hatful of Seuss
Given how many stories written by Dr. Seuss involve at hat in some fashion, it should have been no surprise how just about every gift shop in Seussville had hats for sale.  Although we had a good time trying out the assorted styles, we decided to save our money for more practical souvenirs.  In hindsight, she did think that the teapot and fish had would been great fun to wear to the next parent-teacher meeting?

Seuss Landing
We could easily have spent our entire day here and the Things would have been content.  But nope, Martha wanted to see to it we got our money's worth and visited other parts of the park.   
While riding one fish, two fish- they played a catchy tune that the adults couldn't get out of our head.  As the day warmed up, there was a little water surprise that left us all a bit soggy.
As for the carousel, Thing 1 refused to ride it as he decided that it was just for "preschoolers".  He would later try to change the story, insisting that his parents wouldn't let him ride it- but as mom does the family story telling, she's making sure the truth is indeed told!

Introducing- Thing One and Thing Two
The night before we went to the park, Martha and Kelly visited the entertainment district of Universal Studios.  Kelly spotted these shirts and suggested Martha buy them for the kids.  Not really being much of a souvenir t-shirt type person, Martha was at first hesitant.
But then she decided- yeah- it might be good to have the boys wearing matching bright colored shirts.  Easier to spot them in the crowd.  The next morning, the kids were so excited to wear their new shirts.  

Curiously- at the time- each shirt was identical- the front said Thing 1, the back said Thing 2.  Luckily, one kid agreed to wear his shirt backward so that they could each be a thing.  
We received so many compliments from other visitors on how cute the kids looked.  And the boys must have been pretty proud as well- as they agreed to pose for way more photos than usual.  We even managed to get a picture worthy of our annual Christmas card.  Wins all around!

If I ran the zoo
If I ran the zoo, said young Gerald McGrew, I'd make a few changes, that's just what I'd do...
At the end of the day, filled with fun, we decided to let the Things go for it at the wet playground. 
By the time they were done, they were thoroughly soaked.  
Fear not, we had a dry change of clothes for the ride back to the Condo.  
The Things had a splashing good time checking out the Bad Animal catching machine- looks like they even caught a few Things
The adults enjoyed having a chance to rest our feet after a day with lots of walking! 

The End
Of course, ten days is a long time to be away from the comforts of home.  But, we knew going into this trip that there were several peopled we wanted to see, events we wanted to attend while also having time for some good old fashioned rest and relaxation.

While there were certainly elements to this trip we weren't expecting, all in all it was a good vacation!
We look forward to our next family adventure- wherever and whenever that may be!

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