Monday, April 01, 2024

March Recap

 Right now monthly recap

I'm listening to 

Gasp...a political memoir?!   I think it's a first- but a former colleague that I respect for her calm-level headed approach to her profession suggested it.   Her words of recommendation struck a cord "Every one should listen to this before they cast their ballot in the next election."   That alone seemed like a curious endorsement.   Read it-listen to it...and well,  ponder what this politician is saying before November!  

I'm loving that 

 hubby made it home safely...
While neither of us were planning on a March return to CO-
 certain events indicated that his presence was required here at the House of Chang
As Thing 2 and her little Toyota tangoed with a tree on the ice...
The jury is still out on whether 
this 1990 truck can be fixed...stay tuned..
But for now- we are happy that nobody was injured...

In other news worth loving this month...
Fears were conquered...
however, grilling operations were suspended during our 
mid-March "typical" snow-shower..
Tea was sipped..
and tequila was poured..
As I helped a very dear friend celebrate her  milestone March Birthday...
We had a little fun teasing "the bus boy"
And didn't let a mere 2 feet of snow slow down our fun...
 while portions were dainty..
the decor was inspired...
and in the end...just tea-seemed just right!
I'm feeling like I'm getting back in the groove.
There are days when I feel quite festive...
and days when I feel like not much gets done..
But, in the's ok...for life is about finding your way..
one step (or stitch at a time!)