Monday, January 28, 2008

And then there was one

day left before we all return to reality.
Yes, my children have been off of school since before Christmas.
Yes, that does add up to 5 weeks off. Remember, it is year round school so they won't get a traditionally long summer vacation. Just a sort of long winter break, with a sort of long summer break and two mid-year breaks. In the end, it all adds up to the same amount of time off, it just seems like they are out of school more often than traditional kids.

I think we're ready. They say they are ready. I've got an assortment of projects that have gotten set aside because of the "thing factor" (mostly paperwork that I'll take any excuse to procrastinate on doing). I need them to be gone so I can get to these projects.

But I know that I'll miss them. When they are in school, we tend to see only their less positive attributes. Thing One has really matured lately. Will I still notice this when he's tired, cranky and probably more anxious? Thing Two is much less dramatic (was that really my same child who asked calmly for help removing a splinter?). Will I still recognize him when he's put into situations where he feels less confident?

I shall force myself to remember how delightful my kids really can be when reality comes crashing in tomorrow morning at 0800. But for now...I hope that today really drags along I can either savor it all...or be so totally annoyed with their antics that I'll be ready to send them packin'!


Colleen O said...

I reminded mine last night "one more day" - they said boohoo to that. So what sort of during the week WII rationing are you going to?

Martha said...

They'll get nothing during the week and the amount on the weekends is to be determined...based on how good of a week that they have. Giving them even a small amount of video game time during the week, just results in them "rushing" through whatever task to get to that cherished hour. It isn't worth it. They actually do pretty good knowing these are the rules.

Yes, this is the first time I can recall they Things saying they are ready to go that part of growing up too?

Sitting In Silence said...

Crap...I just left a huge comment and goggle came up with an error...

Dont you hate that....

Anyway...Happy first day back at school be sure to post a photo...Mine are back as well (tomorrow) after 8 weeks off...

Guess who is pretty excited?....*hint it's not the kids !!!

tz said...

you mean there's hope..they get less dramatic as they get older? hahaha

jake will be starting, but sadly isaac and i will be hanging out...he's still sick