Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Short Shorts

Remember the jingle: Who wears short shorts? Well, lately I've noticed Thing Two has been wearing pants to school, even as the temperatures start to climb. I recall asking him a time or to, "why not wear shorts" and he'd grumble and moan that his shorts were too short.

Oh man, Mr. Modesty? I don't know if I can handle two extremes: a boy who thinks his shorts are too short and a boy who thinks if you've got underwear on, you are good to go in the clothing requirement.

So, this morning I came just short of begging him to please put on some shorts (it is supposed to reach 90 degrees this afternoon). He complied with my request, and came over, pointed to the waist band (very snug I noticed) "See, I told you they are too short for my belly!".

Light bulb moment for Mom. I laughed as I explained that would be too tight, not too short.
Add to today's to do list: Buy Boy some not so short shorts....

1 comment:

tz said...

that's very cute!
i just went a bought a bunch of tshirts and wondered when did they both grow....