The boys had their class trip to the Reservoir today.

I had my camera. I had every intention of snapping a bunch of fun photos. I ended up taking 10, and of those, maybe 3 are worth keeping.
That has to be a new record low for me. And why you ask was I so uninspired? I could come up with a long list of possible explanations but suffice to say...we just need to make it through this week. My brain is weary. My patience is about to run out. It is just time to put an end to this school year.

I don't think I"m alone in this thought. At our usual end of the day chat, I asked Thing Two what was his favorite part of the day and he replied "Playing with C. and TJ after school". C is the neighbor boy that moved away last year and is in town this week visiting.
Yep, get those mugs a frostin' and the bucket of Margaritas a chillin' because I'm ready to say goodbye to learning and hello to Summer Fun!
I agree with your statements about the end of school. I can hardly wait to sleep those extra ten minutes a day.
i'm so envious...i keep trying to remember i'll have next summer off...
Aren't you glad that you switched tracks and don't have to entertain the idea of starting back up again in 2 weeks. We hope you have lots of good ole fashioned summer fun in the lazy dazy weeks that lay ahead . Enjoy your break.
There's a break coming up? Oh, when is that?
The 2 pictures you got where very cute! You did fine in my book.
You know the school we go to is traditional and we've been on Summer break for two weeks now - with 9 more to go.
Just sayin... not trying to convert you or anything! lol.
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