Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Snow Day (at least for me..)

It's been snowing most of the day. Just a slow drizzle of flakes. Just enough to make me want to stay home where it is toasty and warm. And so, I've done just that. I gave myself permission today to do what I want to do and forget about what's on the to-do list. So, I got caught up on some of my TiVo (so, what do you think will happen next on Desperate Housewives?), made a batch of carmel popcorn (and assuming hubby doesn't get stuck in too much traffic, there might just be some left by the time he gets here). I then ventured down to the craft room and with Christmas music playing for background, I've proceeded to crank out about 20 cards. has been a very good day indeed. And a quick glance at the clock tells me that I could maybe even squeeze in a snooze on the comfie couch before I venture out to collect the Things.

Ok, so that would be pushing it, especially since the shovel is giving me the evil eye and reminding me of a promise I made to hubby this morning to shovel...but once I"m done...if there's time, I might just reconsider that nap!

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