Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday Morning Observations...

Yesterday, Hubby and I marked our 11th wedding anniversary. We'd decided awhile back that we'd skip any big time celebration in favor of saving for our upcoming California Adventure. So, when the snow flakes started to fall and I battled a minor head cold, I was glad that we had planned for a stay at home kind of day.

Late yesterday afternoon, I got a phone call from a friend. She and her husband share the same anniversary date as Hubby and I. She had some unsettling news to share with me.

And while I'm beside myself with sadness for her and her boys, I am again reminded what a wonderful man I am married to. For it isn't the wine, roses and fancy dinners that makes a marriage strong. It is the little things: from him telling me to have fun when I head off to go crafting with the ladies, to my fixing him his favorite meal even when I'd rather not be cooking. It is his suprising me by folding the clothes in the clean laundry basket. It is my giving him the green light to purchase a motorcycle even if I'm not a fan of them myself.

Hubby, thank you for being an honorable, loving family man who cares deeply for us! Luv ya bunches and bunches...

1 comment:

tz said...

happy's always good to have a reminder every so often on how good we have of luck to your friend!