Saturday, February 22, 2025

Chapter 3-On the Border

I recently read a quote that described February as "the border between winter and spring".   And it made me smile.   Yep- that pretty much sums up life for me this month.  

It's been a little less than a month since this nice gentleman that I call Hubby dropped me off at the airport in Tucson and I flew home.  I will openly admit that, while I thoroughly enjoy quality time with him, after about 3 weeks- the desert landscape grows tiresome and I am ready to head back to my home base.  That and 2 full showers in 3 weeks- well- that's about when I say Uff Da- send me home.
I kicked off the month with a trip to the local community theatre-
Where we discovered- yes- it is possible to be "too close"
the pit orchestra overpowered our senses...but the performance was still worth the cost of admission

And while there really isn't much else on the camera roll that is worthy of sharing here- I've had a pleasant month here in the border area.  I've binged on  shows and sourdough bread.  I've shoveled snow and shot the breeze with friends.  I've read a bit and yes, napped a bit.   I've even made it to the gym on a consistent basis.  All in all- a very good month indeed.  

But now it's time I get my act together and finish up a few tasks here in the Hen Den.   My new mantra shall be...
 "You can't reach for anything new when your hands are still full of yesterday's junk".     
Junk?   Are you calling this cutie junk?
Or this one?

Yes- yes I's time to let go...and move out this border zone and into a new chapter
one filled with new adventures and experiences...

Until next time...
Be at peace with where you are

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