I'm listening to an audiobook recommended by another co-worker (who knew I worked with fellow avid readers?). Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister. My co-worker (Rachel) said "it's a mystery with a slightly different premise". That's an understatement-imagine trying to solve a crime in a story being told sort of like the movie Groundhog's Day. But it has indeed caught my attention and helped me complete a myriad of chores that needed to be accomplished before I head out of town tomorrow morning.
Yep- that's it folks...my school nursing career has reached an end point. For awhile, I would add "
for now"..but honestly- when I pause and think of the things I'd like to be doing but can't given the structure of a school calendar...that "f
or now" gets left off more and more often.
All out of pins...can only mean it's time to head out...
I'm loving a lot...let me show you with pictures...

When your haircut appointment is just hours before the District Retiree dinner-
When your work bestie clocks out the same year as you do...
When your nursing colleagues suggest
"bring some things that reflect your nursing career"
when the one who trained you...helps you find your happy..
even if it meant changing districts.
when your work crew "nailed it" in the what to get for Martha
and toasted-roasted me with a memorable happy hour!
Happy Hour on a school night?!
Sure...that sounds lovely!
Lowry Beer Garden- charming place-why have I not been before?
seeing your advocacy efforts start to unfold..
or at least that is my hope..
surrounded by friends who enjoy a good book..
I'm feeling joyful! I see it reflected in the smile on my face. I see it reflected in the good nights sleep I have been enjoying lately. I see it in the less stiffness of my arthritis (although- won't lie- those epic rainstorms we had mid-month about did me in. Note to self- RA doesn't like too much moisture)
There truly is joy in the journey. Speaking of which- I should wrap this up so I can finish up a few more small tasks before catching a flight to join Hubby for some solitude in the forests somewhere far-far-away from the urban/suburban mayhem!
Until next time...remember..it's not the days that we remember
but the moments...