I'm listening to the hum of the washer and dryer. On the last day of winter break, with the weather looking cold and dreary (not just looking-it actually is!) I figure I should dive into the pile of laundry.
I'd be all finished- but my kind heart offered to help the Things catch up on their accumulated dirty duds. With both working full time plus overtime- their piles have gotten outta control (even if they weren't busy- that's the case...but it's their work schedule that gives me justification to pitch in and help them out).
I'm loving a lot of different things- that happened this past month...
A good job....
Thing 1- not only celebrated completing his first year at the club...he also survived his first "working retail" during the Holiday insanity. Hard to believe it's only been a year- but yep, right after Christmas last year- he changed jobs and has looked back with zero regret. He likes his team, he's made a few friends- and was even recognized as associate of the month earlier this year!
A New Chair
My dad always enjoyed a comfortable chair-and of course, a well crafted Old Fashion- so it seemed rather fitting we would splurge a bit and get the Mr. a new comfie chair for when he's not on the road. Said chair arrived at the beginning of the month- and has been very much enjoyed during Hubby's extended stay here at Home Base. Thanks Dad!
Time With Friends
After several months of busy schedules, conflicting travel and a round or two of COVID- it was a special treat to join together with the BAGS for the return of the Ugly Sweater Party hosted by D&A. Oh how these lovely ladies lift my spirits...
ah but wait- not just time with the BAGS- nope, work provided me with a chance to connect with co-workers- for our first (hopefully annually) student showcase. What a fun filled event watching our students perform karaoke to a packed cafeteria of friends, family and of course the Crossroads Team. We even managed to sneak in a team photo
I sometimes forget- what a fun group I get to work with!
When we realized our plans to escape to warmer weather the day after Christmas were actually going to work out as planned (we weren't so sure- given Mother Nature deciding to tease us with some serious winter weather before winter even appeared on the calendar)- I reached out to friends, L & M- as they live in NM. They quickly agreed to make the trip over to our campsite for a day of catching up, munching on some snacks and just hanging out at the Lake Holloman BLM area outside of Alamogordo, NM
And last but not least- was the chance to finish out the new year in the company of the Zs.
They've recently taken to the open road for long distance exploring- and we were so happy they agreed to meet us in the NM desert.
Time in their company- was just what I needed to finish out the year.
We did a little bit of sightseeing, from the NM Museum of Space History in Alamogordo
to goofing around on the sandy shores of White Sands National Monument
a lot of laughing (even more so once the cocktails kicked in)
and mostly just enjoyed good times with good people!
Looking forward to the next time Uma (our RV) and Stewie (their LMTV) get to camp side by side..
I'm feeling renewed.

This last quarter of the year has been a roller coaster of sorts. While my dad's passing was "expected" and considered a blessing (in that he was in so much pain, his death relieved that pain), I have felt his absence more acutely than I would have expected. I've also been juggling decisions of my own in terms of what next- while also helping the younger Thing sort through some obstacles that were tossed into her path- well I went into the holiday season feeling depleted.
Silly slogan said it all...
I found comfort in the kitchen- fixing family favorites, and savoring every tasty morsel that I concocted.
from Grandma Irene's Peanut Butter Blossom cookies
to epic Prime Rib (times two- turns out the beef makes excellent leftovers perfect for winter camping)
and countless batches of my trademark Caramel Popcorn (pictured here before the secret sauce is added)
Unfortunately too much of a good thing- well- it has taken its' toll on my waist line.
But it's a new year and changes are in order...starting with moving more and eating less...I've done it before I know I can do it again!
So Cheers to a new year--- May it be filled with awesome sunsets
A cocktail or two...
and quality time spent in the company of a good man
Until next time
Don't be afraid to go out on a limb..
Answer the call of the nap...
and while the tiara may slip from time to time- it's ok to pause and re-adjust.
Taking time to enjoy the view along the way!