Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Year in Review: 2005


I'm listening to that nagging voice in my head..."You are swimming in photos-you need to get back to this project".   Yep- the project I was so motivated about earlier this year-  downsizing the epic scrapbooks that I have crafted through the years.   

Disney magic Feb 2005

Not sure why I lost steam- probably just  the reality that "life happens"...I suspect I simply got pulled away from the keyboard, and got distracted.   

But, now turning the corner into the season of more  sedentary activity (yes, I admit I am a fair weather camper/traveler-temps drop and I am quite content to stay indoors) - I am determined to get back to this project.  

Like so many of the tasks that aren't  necessarily of the "highest of  interest", I know I will feel better once I attempt to  make even the smallest of dents in this project.

I'm loving  that 2005- I was fully digital- at least in the picture taking category (oh if only I had embraced digital scrapbooking early on I wouldn't be in this paper-jam!)

 Back then- I was a faithful customer of Snapfish (and later Shutterfly) -which means instead of breaking down the albums, hoping I hadn't cropped them into some weird shape (you know I'm not alone in that regard, right?) -  I should be able to simply check out what's on my Snapfish Account.   

One of the first pictures featured on the family blog

Another thing to love is that in 2005- I started the Family blog...yeah baby- instant memory jogger!

So- what about 2005 that was so memorable?   Let's look back

There were Spring Showers- 

Colorado Style

 To include A buried mystery van..
and a family portrait 
(I kid you not- I believe we ended up using this as our family Christmas card that year!)
because of course, getting the Things to cooperate
 with a traditional photo was about as easy as 
as catching this little one....(the Morcom girls joined in the fun)

There was Disney Magic

In February- we would make our one and only  family visit to the Magic Kingdom..
(for the adults- we found it too crowded & too pricey-
and for whatever reason- the Things never asked to return)
we soon discovered that if you give Thing 1 an autograph book
and set him out in search of collecting signatures
you will capture some of the all time best pictures 
of this typically camera shy Thing....

There were grand moments with grandparents
from a sleep-over at Grandpa's trailer in FL

to video games with Grandma in California
it's never a dull moment when these Things show up to visit...

There were summer adventures too numerous to count
*but let's give it a try...

A trip  to the park with Great Aunt Phyllis
who for the record- 
did an amazing job as "stand-in" grandma for Grandma Audrey
Quite moments with Uncle Obie
Ring Master?  Nah-more like ring leader of all things chaos...
a camel ride
and an elephant ride
Berry picking with the besties
*did any berries make it home?  Probably not...
picture taking at Elitches
*gotta love Season Passes!  
getting weary from all this fun...
it was time for a lazy day or two at the pool!

A milestone birthday was celebrated

Not saying who...
and not saying which milestone..
but someone sure had a grand time
celebrating with friends who go "way back"
to those she found more recently...
anyway you slice that cake with 40 candles..
this one is ready for a new decade indeed!  

And as summer shifted to fall...
There were traditions to be upheld
from a trip to Nick's
to an epic party at the House of Chang..

And while 2005 was a year filled with lots of grand experiences...
it really is more these random moments...
in every day life that lasts with one the longest...

Until next time...remember to take it just
one day...or in my case- one photo album
at a time!  

1 comment:

redlegsrides said...

invoker of great memories indeed