Foreward- in order for me to locate this entry with greater ease- I am changing the publication date to match the date that I have summarized. In truth- this post was written 2/19/22 as part of my ongoing efforts to switch to a digital format for story telling.
Right Now
I'm thinking maybe breaking down two albums in one day is a bit ambitious? Going to mix it up a bit to avoid the monotony of repeating myself in my reflections.
I've always liked the "Ten best" lists- but when I've tried to do them myself, I get to about 6 or 7 and stall out. Not this year- I give you Ten Things that made 2002 memorable- in no set order of popularity I might add.
Wait a minute- these aren't bears...
These are cute Things with their Uncle Carlos
and their now official Auntie Ling
With all the Chang Siblings... (1.25.02)
Where did the bear come from Girl- give it up-you aren't making any sense now?
Well, when we told Thing 1 he was going to be a ring bearer in his Aunt and Uncle's wedding- he started to practice his growl. Yep, he thought we had meant a true bear not one who carries the ring. It remains a funny memory from this wonderful weekend where the Colorado Changs celebrated with the California Changs!
And later in the year we would visit Build a Bear- where Thing 1 built his own "care bear" and named him Patrick Bear...Thing 2 opted for the more traditional name of "Teddy".
A chance encounter with Bob- while waiting for our table at White Fence Farm..
Waiting (probably impatiently) for the Veggie Tales Live show to begin!
Thankful for the extra pair of hands provided by "our" Allie
Mesmerized by the show-sporting an over priced T-shirt
(that would get worn over and over as the year progressed)
I don't think he's ever sat as still as he did during this show...
"No Larry- we don't know where your hairbrush is!"
There was a day out with Thomas...
and a guest appearance by Sir Topham Hat..
and a trip to Georgetown with Cousin Greg
to see the sights along the Georgetown Loop Railroad

DISNEY20 years later- I am willing to admit- the trip was more for me than the Things...
Don't get me wrong...they had fun..
And cooperated with my requests for photos...
And even helped Merlin successfully remove the sword from the stone..
But at a little over 3...This Thing found it all to be a bit too much sensory..
Within arms reach of buying this treasured lollypop- Thing 2 could not hold it in any longer and we had the mother-of-all meltdowns...if anyone wants my opinion, wait until closer to 4 before you experience the magic of Disney-
Living in a land locked state- trips to the beach don't happen very often...
But this year- we found ourselves with 2 opportunities to feel the wind in our hair
and the sand on our toes..
and while a little cautiously curious about the waves...
These Things showed us they do indeed have a little bit of love for the beach...
Auntie Kelly came from Wisconsin...
And Auntie Laura was here from Michigan..
And of course, we already showed pics of Auntie Ling.
Special treats for sure!

Thing One makes hats on a regular basis in his autism program...
and his sweet teachers were always most kind in making sure younger brother had one as well...
And if you have the perfect hat, perhaps it's time to strut your stuff in some
Be it the 4th of July...
or Thanksgiving...
Our friends The Lishes help ensure a parade is on the agenda!

How very fortunate that this year, the Things got to spend a little time with both sets of grandparents
And coming in at #10 ..
nah, how about a POEM
I'm going to wrap up this summary with a poem that I have saved for 20 years- and it just about sums up what life was like parenting two things just 25 months apart.

Her Little Shadows
I saw a young mother with eyes full of laughter
and two little shadows came following after.
Wherever she moved, they were always right there-
Holding onto her skirts, hanging onto her chair,
Before her, behind her, and adhesive pair
"Don't you ever get weary, as day after day, your two little tag-alongs get in your way?"
She smiled as she shook her pretty young head,
And I'll always remember the words that she said
It's good to have shadows that run when you run, that laugh when you're happy and hum when you hum
For you only have shadows when your life's filled with sun
Yes indeed, 2002 was a year filled with plenty of sun!
Ok- I think this is it for now- off to go and work on some other areas of clutterly concern-or maybe I will just curl up with a good book...I think I've earned some time off for good behavior!
1 comment:
Very nicely done
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