Monday, December 03, 2018

Right Now- November recap

I'm listening to this collection of short stories.   If you are looking for something "Hallmark movie" like, be sure to walk on past this audio-book as it is loaded with the author's trademark style of story telling, right down to the liberal sprinkling of profanity.   I'm enjoying it as he does make some rather candid and humorous observations about this time of year.

I'm loving that:  we are entering this holiday season healthy and happy...something that when I reflect on year's past isn't always the case.  Last year, my dad's health took a nose dive soon after the Thanksgiving celebration.   And in years before that, work stress has reared its ugly head, filling my head and heart with worry.   But alas this year, all seems to be on a steady and stable course!  Bring on the merriness of the Christmas Season!

My dad joined us for Thanksgiving and we all enjoyed reflecting on what a difference a year makes.   Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera at the ready so I have very few photos but suffice to say, we enjoyed the traditional feast, took in a movie, did a bit of Black Friday shopping (talk about a sure sign he's back to 100%-my dad wanted to go to Kohls of all places), and caught the Badger football game at a local pub.  All in all, a wonderful 3 days spent with family.  

The rest of November seems to have passed by in a blur.   I know we celebrated our 23rd anniversary with the purchase of a new washer and dryer and then for a bonus celebration we splurged on a new kitchen faucet. 

  Yep, those would be the joys of being a grown up.   But seriously, after one costly trip to the laundromat, I was ever so grateful to see the friendly team from Lowes  had delivered as promised.    And after watching my husband and our two Things wrangle with the faucet, I'm thankful for their muscles and flexibility.  If left up to me, I'd still have a leaky way my body could contort to get to the necessary pipes.  Thank you've made me a very happy and appreciative wife/mother!   

I'm feeling grateful.   The rest of the month was filled with a little bit of this and a little bit of that.   Which is my creative way of saying "I can't remember that far back".   I know there was a short camping adventure in conjunction with my annual nursing convention. 

 There were a few happy hour gatherings with friends.   Some books were read, a movie or two was enjoyed and a few great meals were enjoyed.   Every day stuff that makes me appreciate what a good life we've cultivated for ourselves here in CO.   The Things have had some adjustments with school but I believe they are both on a path of success.   It's all good...

I'm needing to keep the momentum going.   As the kids have gotten older, finding the holiday spirit has been a challenge.  Toss in a general sense of "winter blahs" and I realized I needed to do something different this year..

So I made a conscious effort to bring some fun into my life.   This past Saturday, the ladies and I went to see the lights at the local botanical gardens. 

To say it was magical would be an understatement.   My only regret was not switching out my shoes.   Danskos are perfect for work, but when outside, they let in a little too much cold and by the time I got home I was still feeling chilled.  Lesson learned.

  Then on Sunday, a bunch of us bundled up again for the first of what will end up being five 5Ks through the winter season.  

 Granted, my group walked and were proud to be the "final finishers' but we still got more activity on a cold December day than we would have had we sat on the couch. 

 Both of these events reminded me how good it feels to get out and try new things. 

Until next time.. 

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