Friday, February 27, 2009

A tale of two artists

I think it is pretty safe to assume that "pottery artist" can be removed from Thing One's career possibilities.
I give you, Exhibit A:

But as for Thing Two, the jury is still out on his artistic potential.  He calls this "When animals collide" and tells me it is what he imagines happening if you combine a bear, a hawk, a platypus, kangaroo and porcupine (or as he wrote "porkypine).  He did several similar creations but this is the only one I was able to sneak away from him.  Apparently, I embarrass him when I share his art work!  See, he's even got the whole emotional angst going to make it as an artist. 
P.S.:  I'm not sure what's up with the Abe Lincoln hat but this past month, everything has had a "president's hat" attached to it.  I guess that is his trademark feature.
PPS:  Now take that Ms. Colleen...two blog entries in two days!  That'll teach you to give me grief.  At least my friend Fran is more discrete in her "hey, update your blog" nags...she sent me an email asking if I was ok since I hadn't blogged in over a week.   The message might be the same, but it's all in the can tell Fran works for in human resources!  Hee Hee...  Come on Fran, out of lurkdom, comment on the blog!  
PPPS:  enough with all this nonsence...I'm due at the is Spirit Day and I'm working the school store.  Come on now, get your pencils, erasers, over priced ball caps!  We got you covered!  


Kaesmom said...

Ok, love the art work! And I think that little mug would make an ideal pen holder on mommy's desk. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Mrs. Chang! Glad to see you are doing fine! You just can't stop blogging when I depend on it for my "smile of the day" or "thought of the day." Love the art work - tell your P to ask my P about the "porkysquirrel incident" last year - very funny!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, based on some of the things I've seen in art museums I think both boys could give the "professionals" a run for their money. I love P's color choices and M's ability to bring the many parts together into a new whole. Thanks for sharing.

Sitting In Silence said...

Now this is why they call it semi-abstract art...

I bet you would make a packet on e-bay....

I saw a piece of toast with what looked like the virgin Mary on there once and the bd was at 8thousand dollars....

Anyway I'm off to play with my toaster....LOL...