Friday, June 06, 2008

Popsicles for breakfast...

Have you ever wondered what it would take for you to tell your kids "I don't care what you eat for breakfast, just eat something?"...and when they inquire about Popsicles you mumble "sure whatever..."...

Well...I found my threshold this morning for such apathetic is the knowledge that your loving husband has just "dropped" his bike and is en route to the hospital somewhere up in the High Country.

Yes, folks you read that right.. the phone rang shortly before 7 this morning (proving yet again that phone calls this early bring nothing but worry). First words were "I'm OK"....and in that fog of time stopping I learned that Hubby had hit some ice and the wheel went one way, Maria was pointed straight ahead and he soon found himself sliding in the opposite direction of the bike...luckily out of the path of traffic.

Fast forward to this evening...he really is OK...sustaining only a separated shoulder and is resting comfortable.

And for the most part, I think I'm OK too...the gin and tonic did the reality that the world is filled with some pretty decent folks....from the kind couple that stopped to help him (and transported him to the E.R.), to the tow truck driver that picked him up at the E.R. in Summit county and drove him all the way home (for non-locals, we're talking a 2 plus hr drive. Seriously, he went out of his way to bring Hubby home), to the friends that offered that welcome distraction of laughter throughout the day to the chocolate and gin that Eric and Judy delivered. We are truly blessed...and ever so grateful...

This blog will soon return to its regular scheduled postings about silly stuff. But just for today...I want to say Honey: I love you! Yes, my heart skipped several beats as I sat there and thought of all the what ifs. And I am thrilled with the reality of knowing that you will still be around to do the thing you do best: You bring joy and love as you make our family complete! There is no Chang Gang without a Papa Chang...and we're so happy that you really are ok! The boys? Well, they probably won't be so happy when Mom regains her composure and puts an end to the Popsicles for breakfast idea. But hey...what's more important? Popsicles or having Papa home? (don't answer that Thing One!)


tz said...

I'm so glad for you! and Dom and the boys....

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that he's okay. That's pretty scary! Isn't it great to have a husband who you want to keep around?!

ganelle said...

yikes! I'm glad to hear that he's OK. There's nothing like being scared to make you want to squeeze your loved ones a bit tighter.

Oh, and the Cabosse ate a cupcake for breakfast this morning. No family emergency. He just got one. Yeah, put me in the parent Hall of Fame...

Colleen O said...

OH- I'm glad all is well, and it was just momentarily scary!

I have a very vivid childhood memory of my father being almost completely covered, head to toe in bandages, and angry red road-rash from a motorcycle mishap (My parents have no recollection of it, so I assume it was much more minor than my little kid eyes remember.)

I'm glad you had such good stranger encounters too. It's nice to have your faith in humanity restored every now and then!

agent713 said...

Goodness! Glad to hear he's okay. Hopefully the shoulder heals fast.

Kaye said...

I'm so glad he's ok!!

And if it makes you feel any better, my oldest son eats Jello every morning for breakfast. He's been doing it all school year. This morning we were out of Jello, so he ate pudding.