In case you wonder where he gets his messy ways...look no further than his momma. Or at least her craft room..(I'm in the middle of Spring Cleaning, I'll have you know) 
Apparently I also have the "big butt" gene that I inherited from my father...or so that's what Thing One announced last night at dinner "It's OK Mom, it's your Granum gene that makes your butt big". Hubby did his best not to snicker but only said "Son, I've got a lot to teach you when it comes to sweet talking the girls"
In other random weekend news, I found myself letting up on my hover-mom tendencies just a tad when we let the boys get trampy with the neighbor's new trampoline. It still isn't totally my thing (in other words, NO, we won't be getting one ourselves) but they had fun and were eager to be outside so I think I'll manage.
Heck, I've overcome my worries about Hubby and his mistress...(not once did I nag this winter when he said he was riding to work so maybe there is hope for me after all?) Again, you won't see me on a motorcycle but I realize that if I worry too much then all my worries and then some might just come to be.
Letting go of excess worry doesn't come naturally to me but neither is being neat but I remain a work in progress...
Speaking of making progress and working I'd best quit procrastinating and get back to my mess..
I'm not a big fan of trampolines or motorcycles either. You are much futher along in that journey than I am!
I forgot to tell you, Jason is thinking of taking up a mistress along the same lines of your hubby...w/ the gas prices going crazy and Beyonce being so expensive to feed all the time..
We gave up the trampoline when we moved ... only because it would ruin my view, but I LOVED the trampoline for my four. As for the motorcycle, I'm pretty sure it's arriving by next Spring. With me always getting my way, it's time for him to get his. Wonder what he'll name her. See, those are my priorities ... hahahaha!!
My scrapping room pretty much looks like your craft room all the time!
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