Ouch: over a week since I tried to rip my nail from the bed. Trust me, there is pain involved when someone says "I broke a finger nail!"

Wishful Thinking: them weather men lied to me...told me it might snow but oh no, not even a flurry . I so wanted at least a delayed start.

For some reason it feels much colder. Oh yeah, the wind. It's been so stinkin' windy this winter it reminds me of Wyoming. In fact, the wind blew out the pilot light last night. A shout out of thanks to my wonderful and handy husband who discovered the problem and I'm pretty sure has corrected the mechanics involved that allowed it to happen in the first place.

Past Due...what can I say, even us Martha's are late in returning our stuff

Pay Day: or at least make the deposit so we'll be ready for pay day.

It ain't just our cars that need re-fueling!

Still earning my title as Volunteer of the Year!

If I must...off to work I go...

False Advertising: the package insert looked much prettier!

Sometimes you just got to know when to fold...and call for reinforcements in the kitchen department.

The BIG day is almost here and his box is ready (and yes, he did that all himself...I even, gasp, let him use my Cricut!)
What a perfect way to end a long day.....while I don't want to jinx anything, the reluctant reader seems a bit less reluctant these days...
What a great post. I so loved all the photos....
Beautiful box, you guys are one talented family...
False advertising...what ARE those?
Those were to have been lovely chocolate covered pretzels and only half the molded chocolate released. While they look like a failure, their taste is perfect.
However, being all about impressions (it is the Martha in me), they will not make their debut at the class party tomorrow.
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