Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Why is it...

That when one kid is finally in the groove when it comes to all things school (he heads off to school with smile on his face, willingly does his homework, reads without any coercion required), the other one (who had a pretty decent attitude before we tracked off) decides to go all weird on me?

I so don't like this secret handshake/tag you are it approach that the Things have perfected over the years.

I'm old, I"m tired and I am just about out of patience.....


tz said...

times like this i whisper the mantra in my head "i love my children, i love my children"

everytime we get that parenting thing down we get thrown another curve ball....

big sigh and a hug coming your way.

redlegsrides said...

just wait till the hormones hit during the teenager years dear....your hubby

Dodi said...

So, when I was in college Depeche Mode was popular. (Dating myself!) There was a song that I used to love, and it still rings true through all these "parenting trials" I go through:

"I don't want to start
Any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's
Got a sick sense of humour
And when I die
I expect to find Him laughing"

Now, the song was really dark - much darker than being mommy to two little girls can be - but that chorus just cracks me up.

tz said...

oh i loved depeche mode!
how sad am i but i love 80's music!

and how sad is it that 80's is now the oldies....


Anonymous said...

I hear ya, sister. You can still tag me anytime you need to. Hugs to you.

Colleen O said...

Songs from the Big Chair - Tears for Fears, those boys got therapy after that "album" (or was it a CD?) - anyhow, they got therapy and then they stunk ever after. Took away there creative edge I think.

My children are always perfect little ANGLES so I have no idea what the rest of you are talking about. . . . actually it's pony girl who's got me on the ropes lately. She doesn't need any help from sissre, she's a one woman show.