This evening we celebrated as our best friends middle daughter headed out for the prom. It is all but impossible to not play the "I remember when" game as you watch these young children morph into young ladies and before you know it, young adults.
Yep, try not to goes oh so quickly...
here's just a sampling of what events I might have missed this week alone. Photos, blogs, scrapbooking will all hopefully help me stay in the moment and cherish these very happy times. So that I'll always be able to remember when!
wow that was a great dress! prom dresses have come a long way since the 80's
Are the being "captain underpants" by change?
And that is a nice prom dress, but rest assured there are plenty of silly ones still available just like back in the good old days. We went to dinner at the Outback, and prom goes were everywhere! At least there were no hoop skirts in view.
haaha - check out those early morning typo's! Are THEY being captain underpants by CHANCE?
and then that would be prom GO-ERS, where's my red pen.
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