Except, all of a sudden I realized my procrastinating pal, the computer, had bailed on me! And, I found myself saying "might as well work on this layout". So, I slowly puttered around and before I knew it, I created a page that is perhaps one of my current favorites.

It will go in Thing One's School album and reflects all the "track off" travel we enjoyed during school year 04-05. With the completion of this layout, I can proudly announce that I've finished his second grade year. Yeah right! Before you assume that means his album is caught up, keep in mind he did second grade TWICE and thus I still need to think of how I want to work in Second Grade, Take Two.
So, now that the computer is back online (hubby being the network guy that he is, was able to figure out the proper sequence of rebooting and we were back online before dinner. Gotta love that his addiction to high speed surfing is, as bad if not, worse than mine!), I can share with you the pages I've worked on since the company left on Sunday.

It feels good to be scrapbooking again. Maybe I'm not cranking out the layouts like I used to. Instead, I find that I like to think through the layout, focusing on the story I want to share and remember through a scrapbook page. Granted such a method doesn't win me any contests in page challenges, nor does it help me with my desire to get caught up. But, it does bring me back to the reason for scrapbooking in the first place. I enjoy retelling the stories and hope that when the boys grow up, they too will enjoy looking at the pages that mom made just for them.
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