Saturday, June 03, 2006

Embarrassing Moments, Mom Style...

This week a couple of my other scrapbooking blog pals shared moments of embarrassment. The general theme centered on embarrassing moments involving mistaken identity. I read them, laughed and thought "oh thank goodness that hasn't happened to me!"...

But yesterday when I took the Things to the pool, I remembered MY embarssing moment from LAST summer.

As a mom to two young, not so modest, boys with no waists, I'm always on plumber patrol. Checking up to make sure that their trunks are not falling down to their knees and showing the pool community their dairy airs! (yes, grammar police, I know it is really derrieres, but I'm making a punny tribute to their WI heritage) Last summer, I did a bunch of hitching of shorts as they swam by. So, I see this black haired, very tan boy go by, with half his hiney exposed. He had that Jamacian Pool boy look that both Things get as the summer progresses and I just figured it was either Thing One or Thing Two. So, I just reached over and gave those trunks a quick tug to get them back in their proper place.

The swimmer called out with a much deeper voice than my own boys and said "Thanks Miss Martha!". I looked up to realize it wasn't MY boys' bottom I'd covered but the bottom belonging to my friend's 10 year old son!

He thought it was hilarious as did his mom and she said "well, you know what they say, all Asians look alike!". J's husband is Japanese, and in my defense, our kids all look like they could be cousins. My embarrassment was short lived when I said "hey, it is my job as a mom to protect all the pool from wardrobe malfunctions"...but I must say, THIS year, I am looking before I hitch up trunks...


agent713 said...

ROFL! I would be so apt do to that. Good recovery :D

tosin said...

I would have probably had to plead the "It takes a village" theory on this one! ROFL!!
