Another thing that makes it so wonderful is that Saturday was "opening day" at the pool. They insisted we go, even though the wind made it a chilly experience. Didn't bother me all that much as I'm officially a "chair mom". You know the ones: they come to the pool and yet never have to get IN the water because their kids are good enough swimmers. I guess I'm more of a Jr. Chair Mom: the Things are good enough to be in the water alone but I'm not relaxed enough to pull out my book and leave their safety completely in the hands of the lifeguards. Maybe by the end of the summer.

And the final thing that makes life look so bright this morning is that my crafty Mojo has returned! With the move, and the challenges that come with settling into a new house, my creativity went on hiatus. I felt it sneaking back last weekend when I finished my unfinishied pages and realized this weekend it is back 100%! On Sunday, I edited, organized, renamed and ordered a bunch of digital prints. I'd tell you the exact number but Hubby might read my blog and shoot me. :) Suffice to say, once they arrive, I'll have my work cut out for me for months! Yesterday, my friend Fran and her boys joined us for an afternoon of play. Us mommies played with trimmers, stamps and adhesives while the boys played with legos, swords and paper airplanes. I'm sure it is a tie as to who had more fun! We all agreed we must do it again real soon! I managed to complete 4 double page spreads: finally working on Christmas pictures.
Ah...it does feel like the most wonderful time of the year!
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