Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's beginning to feel a lot like FIESTA time?

With Thing One doing Second Grade-Take Two this year, a lot of the things become repetitive. I recall last year being so annoyed that his class wasn't going to have even a Holiday party, but instead a Fiesta?! Ok, I ranted, that is taking this PC crap a bit too far.

Well, guess what, it wasn't his teacher being party phobic like I thought(although I still stand by my assessment she was parent-phobic!) is the "plan" or curriculum or whatever you want to call it for second grade at our area school. Their big country social studies unit is Mexico and the party marks the end of the unit of study. The teachers apparently time it to occur around Christmas: gotta have a party yes, but lets tie it into what we are already studying.

So, today was the "fiesta". And you know what? It was such a sweet event...the kids had done an assortment of crafts this past month and the teacher had the room very festively decorated. They had made serapes out of brown grocery bags. They had made woven placemates and Gods Eyes (I think that is what they are called: we made them as kids, yarn wrapped around two pieces of sticks). They feasted on tacos, beans (well, not Thing one! I was thrilled he at least tried the ground beef and had two chips). They made pinatas out of lunch bags and the teacher quietly filled them with treats for the kids to take home. And they finished off the day with a Mexican Hat Dance. Even our "stage frightened" Thing One got up and performed!

So I guess this grumpy old mom should was a very festive holiday we celebrated the culture of Mexico. This kids had a blast and really did put on a show for us parents. I'm so happy to have a teacher this year that isn't parent helps me see that my Thing is fitting just fine with his new set of classmates.

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