Saturday, February 22, 2025

Chapter 3-On the Border

I recently read a quote that described February as "the border between winter and spring".   And it made me smile.   Yep- that pretty much sums up life for me this month.  

It's been a little less than a month since this nice gentleman that I call Hubby dropped me off at the airport in Tucson and I flew home.  I will openly admit that, while I thoroughly enjoy quality time with him, after about 3 weeks- the desert landscape grows tiresome and I am ready to head back to my home base.  That and 2 full showers in 3 weeks- well- that's about when I say Uff Da- send me home.
I kicked off the month with a trip to the local community theatre-
Where we discovered- yes- it is possible to be "too close"
the pit orchestra overpowered our senses...but the performance was still worth the cost of admission

And while there really isn't much else on the camera roll that is worthy of sharing here- I've had a pleasant month here in the border area.  I've binged on  shows and sourdough bread.  I've shoveled snow and shot the breeze with friends.  I've read a bit and yes, napped a bit.   I've even made it to the gym on a consistent basis.  All in all- a very good month indeed.  

But now it's time I get my act together and finish up a few tasks here in the Hen Den.   My new mantra shall be...
 "You can't reach for anything new when your hands are still full of yesterday's junk".     
Junk?   Are you calling this cutie junk?
Or this one?

Yes- yes I's time to let go...and move out this border zone and into a new chapter
one filled with new adventures and experiences...

Until next time...
Be at peace with where you are

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Chapter 2- A stroll down memory lane


In the late 1960s, my parents packed up their covered wagon and headed west- to the college town in the desert- Tucson.   It would be here at the University of AZ that my dad would attend grad school- and my sister and I would start to collect a host of memories related to our time in the desert.

I’ve been to Arizona countless times as an adult- but for whatever reason- a visit to Tucson hadn’t happened.  Until now!

There are two Tucson places that hold special places in my bank of memories- and I am grateful we were able to visit them both this past week.  

First would be the “mission”.  Officially named San Xavier del Bac mission- it’s located on the southern end of town.   Founded in 1700 by Father Kino- the building itself was completed in the late 1880s.  What makes this mission unique compared to others located throughout the southwest- is that this mission has a distinctive European appearance to the structure.  I found that to be such a stark contrast to the area surrounding the mission- a reservation for the Tohono O’odham People (what I grew up calling the Papago nation).

As a kid- we would come here often.  Not that we were catholic- but I think my parents appreciated the mission for its historical value, and there were always vendors selling Native American crafts that my parents both enjoyed.   My memory- was that of buying Indian fry bread!   They still sell fry bread- just not on the day we were visiting (Sheesh- first no Hatch burgers in Hatch, NM and now no fry bread at the mission).  But alas- the journey must go on-
The next stop on this memory lane adventure- would be at this little gallery. 
 De Grazia Gallery in the sun-located in the Catalina foothills
I remember coming to this place as a kid- I even have a slight recollection of actually seeing the artist at his studio.   Yet more than the studio visits- the lingering memory is how my parents, particularly my mom, became collectors of his art.   Through the years- my childhood home would feature DeGrazia magnets, ceramic bells, decorative plates, stitchery patterns and of course prints.   I’m guessing that these were all reproductions of his work- I highly doubt my parents could afford the real deal even at 1970s prices.     Or at least that’s the hope- can you imagine if we put the real deal out on the Estate sale?  YIKES!

Through my adult lens- I appreciate how this artist paid tribute the the people of Arizona
With whimsy 
And nature tossed in for inspiration
Forever in my bank of memories- the sweetness of these children..

It is often said- that we travel down memory lane in hopes of seeing those we love.   Without a doubt- during these two excursions- I felt the presence of my parents- I recalled that while life was not always easy for my folks, they showed my sister and I the joy that comes with seeking new adventures!

speaking of new adventures- our time here in Tucson would not just be me tripping down memory lane-

We would also discover new things…

From the deliciousness that is “tableside” guacamole..

To the tart delight of a Prickly Pear Margarita..
To a side car ride thru the forest of saguaro cacti
To the joy of naming cacti..
We decided this was the Squabbling couple

And finally- no trip to the land of the senior citizens is complete without a little side stop at the thrift shop..
Where yes- I scored a sweet deal on a new-to-me pair of jeans
(Because clearly- I didn’t pack enough long pants-)

Until next time…

Chapter 1- Snowbirds take flight


Earlier this month- we loaded up the covered wagon and hit 
the snow-dusted trail..
Heading west-
We hoped to find warmer temps and solitude…
Solitude was easily found…
Reminder to future self- The sun sets earlier in January-so the “stop for the day by 3pm” rule  must never be challenged!  
Of sure, some folks consider arriving after dark all part of the adventure.  We are not “some folks”. Arriving after dark in an unknown location- beyond our threshold for excitement and adventure.  We lucked out this time- next time- nope- nada-remember- 3pm stop time in winter is a hard-and-fast travel day rule!
The warmer temps would take awhile to locate.
We tried to warm up at least our taste buds in Hatch, New Mexico..
But alas- the iconic Sparky’s takes Mondays off..
No Hatch Chili Burgers for us…
(Which is just as well- can you imagine the sodium count in such a treat?)

Ahh…finally…we found some warmth..
In the form of a natural hot springs at Hot Well Dunes

Speaking of found…we found some curious characters in the early days of this adventure..
There was Camp Host #1..
(Photo credit- Hubby)
While I was able to spot Javier the Javelina, I wasn’t quick enough to snap my own pic.
And camp host #2…most curious and not at all interested in staying with the herd…
And let’s not forget- 
Our favorite camping pals-now Lyft drivers..Lori And Chris!
They drove down from Meadview to join us for the first half of my AZ adventure.  While we always enjoy their company- we really appreciated that they brought a suitable vehicle for exploring- as we were traveling this time with just the side car as our “explore the area” vehicle.

Thank you “Sherman”…you were a very welcome addition to our time with the Zs!

First stop- Chiricahua National Monument- so I could collect my passport stamp…and explore the area.
The owners of this ranch- were the driving force behind having this area designated as a national monument. 
While hard to capture the park- driving in a canyon, looking up…
I really felt like we were in UT instead of SE Arizona.
Happiness is…when the wind blows just right..
The hair looks good and the jacket collars (yes, I had on 3 layers) cover my extra chins..
Next stop would be the wild western town of Tombstone…
Where their motto of “the town too tough to die” reminded us 
That there remains a strong market for cheesy vaudeville style entertainment..
A shoot out at the OK corral- offered three times a day.
Worth the cost of admission?  Maybe-but hey- it was a good way to support the local community without adding to the clutter factor by buying a trinket.

We would make one more  side excursion with the Zastrows…
A trip to Bisbee…
Hubby’s blog features the good pictures- mine just focuses on the things that caught my eye..
From a bakery with A+ curb appeal-and 5 star buttery treats for purchase…
And she wonder’s why her pants are fitting snuggly?!
To this most curious platter-
If there are ribs on that plate- I’m skipping dinner!

And with that- I will wrap up this entry!   My grandparents and my dad both spent winters in AZ during their retirement years.    I can certainly see the appeal!

Until next time-

All Adventures Great and Small- Introduction

Later this year- I’ll celebrate my 20th year blogging!   Twenty years of periodically pausing to reflect on the events of the day.   Yikes- if only I was that committed to eating right and exercising, eh?

For the most part (and especially in the past 9 years or so) my go-to format has been the reflection prompt- Right Here, Right Now…reflecting on what occurred the past month.   It is a format that still works- but if I am being honest- it’s feeling a little stale.   Tried and true for sure- but it’s time to mix it up a bit!

Introducing my “theme” for 2025- All Adventures Great and Small

Instead of featuring just a monthly recap- I hope to reflect on adventures- from the big (stay tuned- we’ve got some really cool adventures in the works) to the small….and everything in between!  

So let’s get this adventure started!