RIGHT NOW-Monthly recap
I'm listening to an audio book for our book club. Our February theme is Colorado-whether it is a book set in Colorado or an author who calls CO home. This year, we've decided to travel way back in time and are reading (or in my case listening to) a book called A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains. It's a travel diary written by Isabella Bird- a woman far ahead of her time- who in the 1850s, made a solo trip to the Estes Park area of Colorado. Originally- I had thought I'd still be out of town when we met- but alas, plans change and so now I am hurrying to play catch up in order to enjoy our group discussion next week.
But first- I shall hit pause on the listening, dust off the keyboard and try to capture the highlights of what was indeed a very busy month spent mostly Deep in the Heart of Texas...
I'm loving that instead of pouting, I decided to join my Hubby on this trip. Backing up a bit- I had decided I wasn't interested in winter camping.
Lake Whitney-slightly north of Waco
I've been to the desert in the cold and wind- it's just not my jam. So in early January- Hubby headed south and I stayed put.
Spring starts early-
Cane River Creole National Historic Park
Until that is, he decided to check out Texas- in hopes of finding slightly warmer weather than what he was finding in southern New Mexico. I started to pout- because well- I wanted to see the friends and family that would be part of the trip.
Not the original friends we set out to meet-
but ya get the idea...Roadside America Museum-Hillsboro TX
And then it dawned on me- I'm retired- I can change my mind and join him on a winter road trip.
And so it was that Hubby flew home so we could complete some necessary tasks of adulting together, and once that was finished- we loaded up the car and headed south- planning to connect up with the Rv that had been left with our friends, just outside of San Antonio.
While in Texas...
There were plenty of sights to check out..
from graffiti-ridden Cadillacs
to historic Spanish Missions..
In the 3+ weeks we wandered around Texas...
We would take a stroll along the river..
and a walk along the beach
We'd remember the Alamo
and all say Cheese!
I would test the limits of my hubby's love..
from being HGTV fan girl
in Waco
To suggesting we camp at a Goat Yoga Ranch near Tomball, TX
The goats proved to be good camp hosts..
And their humans explained that
being weary of the need to constantly onboard new baby goats
they were in the midst of introducing a new business..
by providing tours via a rather unique party bus option..
I guess if you've done yoga with goats-
driving a 1963 Route-master London Double Decker doesn't seem so odd after all
Hubby would graciously allow me to continue to suggest activities..
Waco Mammoth Site
where there were a few hits...
Cane River Creole National Historic Park
(ok- truth in blogging- this was just across the border into Louisiana)
and sadly..quite a few misses..
Buc-ees...a gas station convenience store on steroids-we failed to see the appeal
Dr. Pepper Museum-
they really needed a better historian to curate the collection
I had a chance to do a little shopping..
where the only thing I brought home
as a serious bruise- as I was too busy taking in the sights..
to see that bench jump out and jab me!
In Texas we would see that
pride in the party is alive and well..
as is pride in their natural waterfalls
..as small as they may be..
I would discover my childhood memories are
now for sale at the antique store?!
(wondering what gems we just handed over to the estate agent?)
And that my Grandma Irene's kitchen
would be near identical to one that Barbara Bush once baked beans..
(or whatever her growing family requested)- Midland Texas
I would discover
that shop owners don't hold back on what they will cram into a small space
and that no space- even the potty
is left out of the glitz and the glam that is Texas boutiques..
Taking beach found trash-and turning it into art..
Does that count as recycling?
Of course there was BBQ

And sunsets
to be savored....
but the real reason for traveling throughout the state...
Was to connect with family...
and friends...
friends who kept Hubby sane during
trying times in the desert...
to friends that cheerfully share their expertise
in areas we are still learning..
We'd spend time with a faithful blog reader..
and meet his lovely bride of 50+ years..
CCJon would share his expertise in
That there folks is what you call a Swamp Thing..
and Appetizers...
where yes-grilled gator does indeed taste just like chicken!
The last stop on the Tour of Friends
Hubby would lend her a hand..
and they'd catch up on 40+ years of life..
(at least they think that was the last time they'd seen each other?)
while taking in the sights of Carthage Texas..
I'm feeling grateful...
That I was able to change my mind...
and say YES- to the opportunity to explore somewhere new..
Until next time..
I hope you find joy in the journey...
especially when it's your own private car
at the usually packed DIA airport!