Oh well- time to dust off my summer series of Saw-Heard-Did...a weekly review that I started 2 summer ago.
Prior to March, the plan was for us to load up the RV this past Saturday and start heading north to explore the Canadian Rockies. Reservations were made, routes were being plotted- but all those ideas came to a crashing halt with the pandemic. We were 90% sure our plans would be interrupted and this week we saw that hunch confirmed. The border remains closed through the middle of June, the national parks we hoped to explore remain closed to camping and the provincial parks in British Columbia are limiting visitors to just those who live in BC. Three sure signs that Canada-2020 is now officially cancelled!
Fortunately for us, we have plenty of mountains and trails to explore right here in our beautiful state. So, that's the plan for our summer- stay local and explore places we've not been before (while still being mindful of the value that comes with physical distancing).
Thing 2-moves home!
Hearing that little voice growing to a roar all of us could no longer ignore- it just doesn't make solid financial sense to maintain two households in this area (our house in the 'burbs and his apartment downtown, close to campus). His university is still unsure what Fall semester will look like in terms of online vs. in person learning. Toss in that he's lined up a summer job- with his employer being closer to our house than downtown- well, we all agree it was time to head back home.
But first we had to do a little re-shuffling of the household space and room assignments.
The kid gets what was my craft room-and I've moved into the front bedroom-and rebranded my space THE HEN DEN. I'm using this time to reflect on what to keep vs. what has served its purpose and it is time for me to let it go. While we both still have piles to sort through, I'd say we are both well on our way to Decluttering V.2020.
Still not much "doing" going on these days. Yes, the governor continues to lessen the restrictions-but I'll be honest, neither Hubby nor I are eager to be in that first wave to test the waters (well, with the exception of testing some of the national forest campgrounds that we hope will open up later this week).
I helped return student supplies last week and was so impressed to watch my District's food distribution in place. The staff and the families had such hearts of gratitude. And, they even shared some of the extras with us- Talk about a Happy Thing 1 when I came home with this giant bag of fries!
I am participating in a 4 week webinar hosted by Oprah. Yeah, I know-she has a certain reputation, but I have to say, the older both of us get...I find she delivers her messages in a softer tone-reminding me that Today-I am healthy, I am well-and I am OK. My mind has struggled to sort through the "what next" and "when will this be over" mindset- so this free webinar has been a great thing for me to do as I wait for those answers to become clear.
The summer to-do list looks very different than years past. But that's ok- I am looking forward to exploring some hidden corners of my state, playing in the Hen Den- and hopefully-coming up with some more Pinterest-WINS like this one I did for our exiting students from work.
Until next time....