SAW: During the homestretch of my time off, I saw myself winding down and gearing up for the reality that awaits. This year I volunteered to assist with some of the training of the newly hired school nurses- primarily around the area of special education since that is the focus of my work these days. It was fun to meet the new hires, reflect on my own journey as a school nurse and catch a little of their enthusiasm.
So, Tuesday (8/6/19) marks the end of the summer of fun with the return of the students. I'm starting my 3rd year working with young adults with disabilities, and starting my 10th year as a school nurse.
So, Tuesday (8/6/19) marks the end of the summer of fun with the return of the students. I'm starting my 3rd year working with young adults with disabilities, and starting my 10th year as a school nurse.
Ready of not-here they come!
HEARD: Usually this is the most most difficult of the categories to blog about, but not this time. During week 9 I heard some pretty amazing live music both at Red Rocks Amphitheater and the Denver Center for Performing Arts (our name for the theater district)
For Red Rocks- we heard Killer Queen. I know, pretty crazy name, right?
They are actually a tribute band from England that plays the music of Queen. More like performs-as the band members all wear costumes/wigs to physically reflect the band Queen. The venue alone is worth the headaches and the crowds-it is simply incredible to watch the sun set over the rocks and listen to the music as it bounces around the amphitheater. We had a group of 11- so meeting up with everyone was a bit of a challenge but it all worked out fine in the end.
For the play, the men folk in the family gifted me with a ticket to see the matinee of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory- the Broadway touring company making it's way across the country.
The play was adorable-following the book rather closely, with the only child actor being Charlie. All the other kids roles were performed by adults. I really liked that touch- as it helped the adults see the behaviors through, well, an adult lens. With a front row, center seat ticket- I felt a bit like royalty- you really feel like you have the theater all to yourself sitting that close to the stage
DID-Between returning to work and going to the shows, I found myself doing last minute "catch up" activities. I met Thing 2 for dinner after the play (he lives only a mile from the Performing Arts Center) and was happy to see how settled in he looks in his new digs.
I also managed to catch a movie this past Sunday, The Farewell, a Chinese cultural film that explores the cultural practice of withholding a terminal medical diagnosis from the patient. The extended family fabricates a wedding, so everyone can come and say farewell to the matriarch, without her knowing the real reason behind their impromptu visit. It was well done and I enjoyed the venue (The Alamo Draft House).
Of course, with each week, I have tried to to make time to catch up with friends and these past 2 weeks were no different in that regard. This week's gatherings were some of my favorite ways to spend time with friends- 1:1 conversation, where we can really catch up and support each other.
There was also a larger neighborhood gathering at our Pool House I also had a great time catching up over breakfast-lunch-and dinner with a wide range of friends.
There was also a larger neighborhood gathering at our Pool House I also had a great time catching up over breakfast-lunch-and dinner with a wide range of friends.
But the really big news of what we did was something that the Hubby did this week.
Yep, a call came from his employer that we'd been anticipating for over 2 years and with that news, we have taken swift action to put into place the plans we've been making for him to retire.
It's an exciting time- as he's been tethered to the job 24/7 for the past 5 years- taking only 1 week of complete disconnect during our trip to Alaska last summer.
Otherwise, while he's had a tremendous amount of flexibility as to where he finds that cell phone coverage, he's still had to have accessibility day and night.
Yep, a call came from his employer that we'd been anticipating for over 2 years and with that news, we have taken swift action to put into place the plans we've been making for him to retire.
It's an exciting time- as he's been tethered to the job 24/7 for the past 5 years- taking only 1 week of complete disconnect during our trip to Alaska last summer.
Otherwise, while he's had a tremendous amount of flexibility as to where he finds that cell phone coverage, he's still had to have accessibility day and night.
Stay he starts to explore his "what next" chapters. For starters- he has had some fun playing around with that popular app that "ages you"....I give you Thing 1 and Thing 2- the geriatric edition....

I'm excited to see how he enjoys this new found, well earned, long overdue freedom!
I'm excited to see how he enjoys this new found, well earned, long overdue freedom!
Until next time...