I vowed after struggling to complete my annual family photo album this past year , that I would try to be more diligent about blogging. It seem like one way to do that is to try my hand at these "right now" recap type posts. So here it goes, my first attempt at what some bloggers create with ease...
- I am Feeling energized.. Spring Break, served up with an extra helping of 2 snow days will have that affect on you. That brought our total for this school year up to 5 days....an unprecedented amount that has a couple of us pondering if we'll have to make up those days? for now, I'll not worry about it.
- I am watching....My Big Fat Greek Wedding with my coffee club ladies. A huge Thank you to Shelley B who rounded us all up for a ladies night out....on (gasp) a SCHOOL NIGHT?! It was lots of fun to reconnect with characters from the first movie, and see ourselves in the dilemmas facing Toula as she enters the era of parenting the older teen while being the dutiful daughter. The struggles are real, and actually pretty funny if you stop and think about it...
Thanks Shelley B for getting us all together...
Has it really been 14 years since the First Big Fat Greek Wedding?
A funny move made funnier when enjoyed with some of your besties....
- I am struggling with the reality that I'm old enough, for the babysitter to have had her first baby?!
Little E. and Mama C...both such sweethearts
Thanks for coming by to visit us on your quickie trip home from PA

We had so many reasons to celebrate at this year's Annual Easter Lunch
After a year of some health struggles,
Gma and Gpa R were able to rejoin us this year...
And Thing Two made a special appearance...
and really seemed to enjoy being part of the fun!
We enjoyed the standard guests....
And the standard photo ops...
Served the traditional Treats...
the gifts of friendship that grows over time...
and ends up being just like family!
- Listening to...My practical side and saying I need to stick with this gig for a little bit longer. This past month I've felt myself questioning more and more why I'm working full time. The emotional toll it takes on my body is hard to describe, but the things I deal with on a daily basis really gets to you after awhile. Suffice to say, with each passing year, I am finding that there is a growing mental health crisis in today's teenagers. Not only have I listened to that practical side and realize that full time brings a certain amount of stability to our family budget and long range retirement plans, but I am also listening to these great kids, and I listen to my heart.
Anyone from work reading this? Yep, you are stuck with me!
- Celebrating...

We had so many reasons to celebrate at this year's Annual Easter Lunch
After a year of some health struggles,
Gma and Gpa R were able to rejoin us this year...
And Thing Two made a special appearance...
and really seemed to enjoy being part of the fun!
We enjoyed the standard guests....
Served the traditional Treats...
And added in some new and special guests this year...
And in the end....we simply celebrated..
and ends up being just like family!
Wishing E. a safe and exciting trek to Base Camp of Mt. Everest!
How's that for a recap? Not bad...this format might just work...stay tuned