First the farewell....Thursday I walked my child home from the neighborhood elementary school for the last time. After summer vacation, he's headed off to the middle school. The end of an era for we have had one child, sometimes two at this school since July 2000. Bittersweet? Nah, mostly just sweet....many memorable moments and wonderful friendships formed...both for the boys and myself.

Off he looking back...not only is he very ready for middle school...he's going through that stage where mom is embarrassing enough, mom with a camera? Oh the horrors of it all...

Who is happier...the boys...or Mr. D....who survived teaching each Thing at one point or another?

It is indeed a memorable moment to finish up elementary school. One worth a little bit of celebrating. So, celebrating we did.....I rounded up several wonderful friends (many that we've known since this kid started kindergarten) and we had a little party in the park...

Watch out middle they come!

And the beaming mommas. If there is one thing I am reflecting on a lot these days....take each day as it comes, celebrate the "lesser" milestone moments in the company of good friends.
And now for the Hail....I've added to the collection in the garage. A few weeks ago, to make my hubby happy, I took the motorcycle safety "basic riders" course. No, I don't want to ride a motorcycle (beyond my comfort level). But, maybe a scooter wouldn't be so bad. I finished the class thinking "maybe". Today, I made up my mind...within minutes of sitting on a scooter that felt right and looked pretty much perfect in terms of what I'd like.
So join me in a hearty welcome to the newest edition to the motorized members of our family....she remains unnamed...but she is a 2009 Genuine "Buddy" brand scooter.