Thing One stomped into my office at work, grinning from ear-to-ear, singing "I am the champion".
Seems he took first place in his class Geography Bee and will be advancing to the next round, all of 7th grade.
Ok, I admit, I did ask if this was his reg. class or his special ed classmates. (bad mommy, I know) and I am proud to report that it was his reg. class that he competed against.
So, we celebrated with dinner and a trip to the bookstore...where his interest in academics proved short lasted as he picked out a Pokemon book.
Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thankful for...Day 25
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thankful for...Day 24
Not just the cup that I sip on in the morning to get my day started.
But also thankful for the cup I savor on Wednesday mornings with the ladies.
Both warm me up and leave me feeling refreshed and ready to face the challenges that are waiting for me.
Work has gotten in the way of my weekly get togethers at Carinos. But, when a Wednesday rolls around and I don't have to work, it is always such a blessing to join up with the ladies and soak in some friendship while sipping on a cup of coffee.
Not just the cup that I sip on in the morning to get my day started.
But also thankful for the cup I savor on Wednesday mornings with the ladies.
Both warm me up and leave me feeling refreshed and ready to face the challenges that are waiting for me.
Work has gotten in the way of my weekly get togethers at Carinos. But, when a Wednesday rolls around and I don't have to work, it is always such a blessing to join up with the ladies and soak in some friendship while sipping on a cup of coffee.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thankful for...Day 23
excellent candidates
We interviewed today for the job vacancy in my office. 5 people were selected by my office manager (out of 27 that applied). Of the 5, I could have easily worked with any of them. Two will meet with the principal on Monday and she will make the final decision.
And I'm thankful for that as well...because I really liked both of the "final 2" applicants for totally different reasons and I wouldn't want to be the one who makes the final decision.
We interviewed today for the job vacancy in my office. 5 people were selected by my office manager (out of 27 that applied). Of the 5, I could have easily worked with any of them. Two will meet with the principal on Monday and she will make the final decision.
And I'm thankful for that as well...because I really liked both of the "final 2" applicants for totally different reasons and I wouldn't want to be the one who makes the final decision.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thankful for...Day 22
A short week...(Thanksgiving Break starts tomorrow, 2:45 p.m.)
because today was long enough to count for 3 days.
Over 100 kids passed through the clinic....and not a one had anything that even remotely resembled exciting.
and actually, that's something to be thankful for as well. With all the foolishness I was sorting through, it was good that nothing too major was also competing for my attention.
Now I'm off to see if Calgon will take me away!
because today was long enough to count for 3 days.
Over 100 kids passed through the clinic....and not a one had anything that even remotely resembled exciting.
and actually, that's something to be thankful for as well. With all the foolishness I was sorting through, it was good that nothing too major was also competing for my attention.
Now I'm off to see if Calgon will take me away!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thankful for...Day 21
Brotherly Love
Of all the things I love about my Things, my favorite is watching the boys getting along. Too often I hear others remark how their kids bicker and battle all day long. I'm not saying that my guys never do that, but it is safe to say, it more of a random occurrence than a regular event.
Most days, they are in each other's company...playing or watching some show...together...laughing at each other's faults, and cheering each other on. And yes, some days, plotting together to drive their parents insane.
Parenting is indeed so much easier when the kids get hope is that they continue to grow together and while each taking their own journey, may they always find joy in the company of each other.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thankful for...Day 20
Pay day!
And to celebrate...I did a bit of retail therapy and some vanity time in "the chair" with Jane taking care of some matters of GRAY concern.
I'm so thankful that these days, not all our financial eggs are in one basket. We're able to budget AND save. And assuming the Things hold up on their end of the bargain (dude, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!), we might have enough saved for them to go to community college (or at least pay for their bus pass with the way college costs keep climbing!)
And to celebrate...I did a bit of retail therapy and some vanity time in "the chair" with Jane taking care of some matters of GRAY concern.
I'm so thankful that these days, not all our financial eggs are in one basket. We're able to budget AND save. And assuming the Things hold up on their end of the bargain (dude, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!), we might have enough saved for them to go to community college (or at least pay for their bus pass with the way college costs keep climbing!)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thankful for...Day 19
I mean look at these smiles: who can't help but feel joy when you are greeted with a hearty "Hi Nurse Martha" whenever you enter their world. I am so thankful I get to be a part of their daily routine!
(p.s.: Fridays at work are "spirit day". Wear a school tshirt and jeans. Hello, that's my kind of dress code!)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thankful for...Day 18
A Quiet Day at work.
The past few weeks at work have been rather hectic.
But, now the past 2 days were delightful.
With such a long run of busy days, I'd forgotten the joy that comes with being able to finish up all my work AT work, being able to pack a lunch AND eat it, and being able to tackle a couple back burner projects.
so much to be thankful for when the day is quiet.
The past few weeks at work have been rather hectic.
But, now the past 2 days were delightful.
With such a long run of busy days, I'd forgotten the joy that comes with being able to finish up all my work AT work, being able to pack a lunch AND eat it, and being able to tackle a couple back burner projects.
so much to be thankful for when the day is quiet.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thankful for...Day 17
our garage.
This morning I was enjoying a cup of coffee and a bagel, catching up on email and sort of let time slip away. Realized I had to be in a meeting in 15 minutes, I grabbed my coat, keys and purse and dashed out the door.
YOWZA: where did that ice come from?
thanks to my car being parked warmly in the garage, I didn't have to spend any time scraping windows.
twas a great way to start my day!
This morning I was enjoying a cup of coffee and a bagel, catching up on email and sort of let time slip away. Realized I had to be in a meeting in 15 minutes, I grabbed my coat, keys and purse and dashed out the door.
YOWZA: where did that ice come from?
thanks to my car being parked warmly in the garage, I didn't have to spend any time scraping windows.
twas a great way to start my day!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thankful for....Day 16
flannel sheets and a nagging hubby.
Hubby has been nagging at me to "put the flannel" on the bed. I couldn't find the old set of sheets, so this past week, I bought a new set.
OMG: what took me so long.
It makes the bed so warm and cozy...the perfect place to crash after a long/rough day at work.
Thanks, were right...
Hubby has been nagging at me to "put the flannel" on the bed. I couldn't find the old set of sheets, so this past week, I bought a new set.
OMG: what took me so long.
It makes the bed so warm and cozy...the perfect place to crash after a long/rough day at work.
Thanks, were right...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thankful for...Day 15
Grateful parents.
My job can be hard. A "quiet day" means only about 75 students pass through our office. In a matter of seconds, I'm forced to make some difficult decisions. I do it with the student's best interest in mind.
a simple word of thanks from a parent means the world to me.
I am grateful for those countless parents that respect what we are doing for their helps me deal with the random parents that prefer to "shoot the messenger".
This messenger? Does not take kindly to being shot.
My job can be hard. A "quiet day" means only about 75 students pass through our office. In a matter of seconds, I'm forced to make some difficult decisions. I do it with the student's best interest in mind.
a simple word of thanks from a parent means the world to me.
I am grateful for those countless parents that respect what we are doing for their helps me deal with the random parents that prefer to "shoot the messenger".
This messenger? Does not take kindly to being shot.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thankful for....Day 13
helpful hands.
Used to be, the bulk of the household chores fell on my plate. Makes sense, I was home during the day while the guys were at work or school. Now that I too am gone during the day, I'm grateful to have the guys' help with the chores.
In just a couple hours this morning, working together, we managed to get the house picked up and that left the afternoon for all of us to pursue our own pleasures.
Used to be, the bulk of the household chores fell on my plate. Makes sense, I was home during the day while the guys were at work or school. Now that I too am gone during the day, I'm grateful to have the guys' help with the chores.
In just a couple hours this morning, working together, we managed to get the house picked up and that left the afternoon for all of us to pursue our own pleasures.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thankful for...Day 12
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thankful for...Day 11
Today, Miss W. came bouncing into my clinic. She's one of our special needs students and was telling me ALL about what she had learned in class today.
"Did you know, Nurse Martha, that today is Veteran's Day?"
I smiled, and nodded
"And, my teacher told me that Veterans are people that serve in the military and sometimes they even die. My grandpa was a veteran".
"As was I"
"You were? But, you didn't die"
"No, I didn't. Not every veteran dies. Would you like to see a picture?"
So off we went into my office where I showed one of my photos from "back in the day".
She took off running to her aide "GUESS WHAT, Nurse Martha is a veteran".
And so today...while I am grateful for having had the opportunity to serve my country, I am also grateful for the kids like Miss W. Who are excited and eager when Veteran's Day rolls around. A holiday not filled with presents or cards...but one celebrated with the simple gestures of flying the flag and saying Thank-you. Thankful indeed!
"Did you know, Nurse Martha, that today is Veteran's Day?"
I smiled, and nodded
"And, my teacher told me that Veterans are people that serve in the military and sometimes they even die. My grandpa was a veteran".
"As was I"
"You were? But, you didn't die"
"No, I didn't. Not every veteran dies. Would you like to see a picture?"
So off we went into my office where I showed one of my photos from "back in the day".
She took off running to her aide "GUESS WHAT, Nurse Martha is a veteran".
And so today...while I am grateful for having had the opportunity to serve my country, I am also grateful for the kids like Miss W. Who are excited and eager when Veteran's Day rolls around. A holiday not filled with presents or cards...but one celebrated with the simple gestures of flying the flag and saying Thank-you. Thankful indeed!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thankful for...Day 10
TiVo, DVR, whatever you call's a time saver in the best way.
And with the days running long on the work-side of my life, it is so good to come home and catch up on a show or two with my hubby.
unwind for a bit before calling it day.
And with the days running long on the work-side of my life, it is so good to come home and catch up on a show or two with my hubby.
unwind for a bit before calling it day.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Thankful for...Day 9
As the first snow of the season fell from the sky this afternoon, I was most thankful for that short commute. After another long day (91 kids passed through our office), I bundled up, scraped the windows of the van (first snow=wet/heavy stuff) and made it to the elementary school in time to pick up Thing Two so he didn't have to ride his bike home in the snow.
Total time spent? less than 10 minutes (yeah, I managed to snag both red lights, which is why it took me so long)
Total time spent? less than 10 minutes (yeah, I managed to snag both red lights, which is why it took me so long)
Monday, November 08, 2010
Thankful for...Day 8
Today, I'm thankful for comfortable shoes.
(Merrell Clogs, though I also find great comfort in my Keens and my Ryka tennis shoes)
We had over 90 kids visit the clinic for an assortment of stuff...some serious, some silly but all must be treated somewhat the same.
Sitting down? totally over-rated (though I wouldn't be against giving it a try now and then).
(Merrell Clogs, though I also find great comfort in my Keens and my Ryka tennis shoes)
We had over 90 kids visit the clinic for an assortment of stuff...some serious, some silly but all must be treated somewhat the same.
Sitting down? totally over-rated (though I wouldn't be against giving it a try now and then).
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Thankful for...Day 7
I'm thankful for the extra hour in the day thanks to our "falling back".
Depending on which hour was the bonus, I've done a couple "just for me" things. I scrapbooked for an hour or so this morning, I met a friend for a cup of coffee this afternoon, and this evening I caught up with a couple other friends with over-due phone chats.
Yep, it's been a pretty near perfect weekend...tackling a few chores, spending time with family and friends. Balance? I think I achieved it this weekend.
Depending on which hour was the bonus, I've done a couple "just for me" things. I scrapbooked for an hour or so this morning, I met a friend for a cup of coffee this afternoon, and this evening I caught up with a couple other friends with over-due phone chats.
Yep, it's been a pretty near perfect weekend...tackling a few chores, spending time with family and friends. Balance? I think I achieved it this weekend.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
Thankful for...Day 5
Teenagers that remained calm under pressure. They checked the drama at the gate and handled a very serious situation with such precision...that I still get a little teary eyed thinking about how it "all went down".
Around 10 a.m., 2 students came running to my room. "we need a nurse". As we took off running, I got the history, walked into the classroom to find one of our staff members down. I started to call for 911 when it dawned on me...they'd already done that.
Yep, when their teacher had what looked like a seizure, 2 kids went for me, 2 kids went for another teacher, 2 kids stayed by their teacher's side and the rest moved to the back of the room. Until help arrived. No grown up told these kids what to do. They just did it!
Mr. K. remains in ICU, and while his condition remains guarded, it is safe to say that the students in his class...saved his life. I was only there to witness their grace under fire.
Around 10 a.m., 2 students came running to my room. "we need a nurse". As we took off running, I got the history, walked into the classroom to find one of our staff members down. I started to call for 911 when it dawned on me...they'd already done that.
Yep, when their teacher had what looked like a seizure, 2 kids went for me, 2 kids went for another teacher, 2 kids stayed by their teacher's side and the rest moved to the back of the room. Until help arrived. No grown up told these kids what to do. They just did it!
Mr. K. remains in ICU, and while his condition remains guarded, it is safe to say that the students in his class...saved his life. I was only there to witness their grace under fire.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Thankful for...Day 4
Today I am thankful for Facebook. I know, how lame is that.
However, one of the back-to-work adjustments I'm still working through is finding balance. I'm a very social creature and enjoy my "girlfriend" time. Yet, I can't make weekly coffee group. I'm often too tired to get together on a 'school night' and after talking to some 70+ teenagers all day, most days I'm all talked out.
But facebook allows me to jump in and see what others have been up to. My friend list include neighbors, family and even a few co-workers (both past and present). I can hear how my friends are doing and share a laugh or two...all from the comfort of my couch.
And being a Martha...being in touch is rather important.
However, one of the back-to-work adjustments I'm still working through is finding balance. I'm a very social creature and enjoy my "girlfriend" time. Yet, I can't make weekly coffee group. I'm often too tired to get together on a 'school night' and after talking to some 70+ teenagers all day, most days I'm all talked out.
But facebook allows me to jump in and see what others have been up to. My friend list include neighbors, family and even a few co-workers (both past and present). I can hear how my friends are doing and share a laugh or two...all from the comfort of my couch.
And being a Martha...being in touch is rather important.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Thankful for...Day 3
that chilled bottle of Riesling and my sweet hubby for pouring me a cold one.
The good news? It was a fabulous day at work. Kids were pleasant, only one was high (and he was remorsefully high..."Oh no, what's this gonna to do my mama?" he kept saying over and over. The mama in me was touched...yet wondered, if you love your mama so much, why'd you smoke the weed AT school while wearing your ankle-bracelet from juvie?)
The bad news? My much loved, well trained, trusted and loyal assistant resigned. Her hubby got a job out of state. My principal just laughed when I suggested she telecommute...but come on, we could make it skype?
So with the help of the Riesling, I'm coming to terms with the reality that it is back to the drawing board in terms of finding an assistant.
The good news? It was a fabulous day at work. Kids were pleasant, only one was high (and he was remorsefully high..."Oh no, what's this gonna to do my mama?" he kept saying over and over. The mama in me was touched...yet wondered, if you love your mama so much, why'd you smoke the weed AT school while wearing your ankle-bracelet from juvie?)
The bad news? My much loved, well trained, trusted and loyal assistant resigned. Her hubby got a job out of state. My principal just laughed when I suggested she telecommute...but come on, we could make it skype?
So with the help of the Riesling, I'm coming to terms with the reality that it is back to the drawing board in terms of finding an assistant.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Thankful for...Day 2
Excedrin migraine....
(hey, I didn't promise award-winning entries on a daily basis)
(hey, I didn't promise award-winning entries on a daily basis)
Monday, November 01, 2010
Thankful for...Day 1
For the past two years, I've challenged myself to blog daily during the month of November. Now that I'm working full time, I've tossed around the idea as to whether I am up for such a challenge. In the end, yes, I need to give it a try.
So, here ya #1.
Today I am thankful for my job. A year ago, I was working on my return to the work force. I was filled with a full range of emotions. Could I handle it? What type of nursing did I want to do? Would I remember how to be a nurse?
This year? I've got a job that I really enjoy. Sure, some days I'm more exhausted than others. Who wouldn't be...when you factor in that I haven't worked full time in almost 14 years. It's been a huge adjustment for all of us.
But even at the end of a long day, I'm grateful for this job...for the many ways it has enriched me on a personal level, for the ways it has relieved some financial worries for our family, and well...for just being the right fit for me.
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