Friday, December 31, 2010
Closing out the year
Monday, December 27, 2010
Are they trying to tell me something?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Nothing wrong with HIS self esteem...
Winter Break has officially begun and he is determined to lounge in such attire as long as we'll put up with his foolishness.
He proudly proclaims "His gorgeousness has arrived...admit it, you cannot dispute my awesome qualities!"
Oh my...will we survive two week of him and his ego?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A very special visitor came a callin'...
Seems our visiting Santa has lost some weight since last year, and his pants were falling down.
He stopped in our office, knowing we had pillows.
Would we mind if he borrowed a pillow while he visited with the daycare kids downstairs.
You know, it's not good to have a Santa with droopy drawers.
Made up for the other situation I was dealing with.
A young lady...high on marijuana for sure...but there seemed to be more.
Some days? I love and hate my job all within the same afternoon!
Monday, December 06, 2010
It's a sign..
Enjoy that one, sistah. Next time you ask, I'm totally out!
Yes, I will be there for you, when you need me
But, when you have enough energy to complain about the selection of comfort items I'm offering?!
Saturday, December 04, 2010
'Tis the Season...
High school kids and depression.
All in a Day's work...
E. came in telling me she had a tummy ache. A polite young lady, I offered her some of the usual crackers and some water. Just as I was sending her back to class, Grandma called me. Seems E. had sent Grandma a text that suggested more was going on...texting the grandma that "life is not worth living, I should just give up". Thank you Grandma for calling me (she'd tried the counselors but they were all at their convention, so in a panic, she called me, not knowing that E. was already in my office). "Let's take a walk" and I escorted E. over to the psychologist (who had just returned briefly from the conference). E. was transported to the ER for a more thorough suicide risk assessment.
Then there was C. C. is one of my all time favorite kids. he's had multiple back surgeries and last spring he and I had breakfast every morning while I gave him his IV antibiotics. Started as a shy young man and really opened up to me. C was feeling flu like symptoms yesterday and as we chatted, he started to tear up "I just need to be home today, we're being evicted tonight". OMFSM: seems his family has fallen on hard times, and they fell behind in their payments. He's 17...he's been handed so many stressors and now this.
And I finished up the day with M. I had known that M.. suffers from PTSD and had heard rumors about the triggering events that resulted in this condition. But most of my encounters with M. have been basic...headache, itchy skin...nothing too exciting. Yesterday, he came to me in the midst of a panic attack. When it resolved, he opened up about Christmas...and how he is tired of people asking him what he wants for Christmas...nobody can give him what he wants so instead he just wants a package of gum. He starts to tear up. Seems his father died on his birthday and ever since then, Christmas and birthdays are just pointless. (and the death was apparently a violent death, witnessed by M: that's the part I'd heard about through staff).
I left work yesterday...not just physically exhausted but emotionally drained....and yet also feeling very blessed. I joke that this job just fell from the sky when I needed it most. But, I also see where there are many life lessons for me to learn...this week? To be know the many gifts I have in my life...a roof over my head, a father for my children and a job that I find rewarding in ways I never imagined!
for those of us raising teens/young adults...keep your eyes and hearts open to the worries that our young adults are facing. We all know that for many adults, this is not necessarily the most wonderful time of the year. And sadly, I fear for some of our youth, as they grow up so much faster than we did, they too approach the holidays with more sadness than joy!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Today we celebrated...
Seems he took first place in his class Geography Bee and will be advancing to the next round, all of 7th grade.
Ok, I admit, I did ask if this was his reg. class or his special ed classmates. (bad mommy, I know) and I am proud to report that it was his reg. class that he competed against.
So, we celebrated with dinner and a trip to the bookstore...where his interest in academics proved short lasted as he picked out a Pokemon book.
Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thankful for...Day 25
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thankful for...Day 24
Not just the cup that I sip on in the morning to get my day started.
But also thankful for the cup I savor on Wednesday mornings with the ladies.
Both warm me up and leave me feeling refreshed and ready to face the challenges that are waiting for me.
Work has gotten in the way of my weekly get togethers at Carinos. But, when a Wednesday rolls around and I don't have to work, it is always such a blessing to join up with the ladies and soak in some friendship while sipping on a cup of coffee.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thankful for...Day 23
We interviewed today for the job vacancy in my office. 5 people were selected by my office manager (out of 27 that applied). Of the 5, I could have easily worked with any of them. Two will meet with the principal on Monday and she will make the final decision.
And I'm thankful for that as well...because I really liked both of the "final 2" applicants for totally different reasons and I wouldn't want to be the one who makes the final decision.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thankful for...Day 22
because today was long enough to count for 3 days.
Over 100 kids passed through the clinic....and not a one had anything that even remotely resembled exciting.
and actually, that's something to be thankful for as well. With all the foolishness I was sorting through, it was good that nothing too major was also competing for my attention.
Now I'm off to see if Calgon will take me away!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thankful for...Day 21

Most days, they are in each other's company...playing or watching some show...together...laughing at each other's faults, and cheering each other on. And yes, some days, plotting together to drive their parents insane.
Parenting is indeed so much easier when the kids get hope is that they continue to grow together and while each taking their own journey, may they always find joy in the company of each other.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thankful for...Day 20
And to celebrate...I did a bit of retail therapy and some vanity time in "the chair" with Jane taking care of some matters of GRAY concern.
I'm so thankful that these days, not all our financial eggs are in one basket. We're able to budget AND save. And assuming the Things hold up on their end of the bargain (dude, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!), we might have enough saved for them to go to community college (or at least pay for their bus pass with the way college costs keep climbing!)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thankful for...Day 19
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thankful for...Day 18
The past few weeks at work have been rather hectic.
But, now the past 2 days were delightful.
With such a long run of busy days, I'd forgotten the joy that comes with being able to finish up all my work AT work, being able to pack a lunch AND eat it, and being able to tackle a couple back burner projects.
so much to be thankful for when the day is quiet.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thankful for...Day 17
This morning I was enjoying a cup of coffee and a bagel, catching up on email and sort of let time slip away. Realized I had to be in a meeting in 15 minutes, I grabbed my coat, keys and purse and dashed out the door.
YOWZA: where did that ice come from?
thanks to my car being parked warmly in the garage, I didn't have to spend any time scraping windows.
twas a great way to start my day!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thankful for....Day 16
Hubby has been nagging at me to "put the flannel" on the bed. I couldn't find the old set of sheets, so this past week, I bought a new set.
OMG: what took me so long.
It makes the bed so warm and cozy...the perfect place to crash after a long/rough day at work.
Thanks, were right...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thankful for...Day 15
My job can be hard. A "quiet day" means only about 75 students pass through our office. In a matter of seconds, I'm forced to make some difficult decisions. I do it with the student's best interest in mind.
a simple word of thanks from a parent means the world to me.
I am grateful for those countless parents that respect what we are doing for their helps me deal with the random parents that prefer to "shoot the messenger".
This messenger? Does not take kindly to being shot.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thankful for....Day 13
Used to be, the bulk of the household chores fell on my plate. Makes sense, I was home during the day while the guys were at work or school. Now that I too am gone during the day, I'm grateful to have the guys' help with the chores.
In just a couple hours this morning, working together, we managed to get the house picked up and that left the afternoon for all of us to pursue our own pleasures.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thankful for...Day 12
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thankful for...Day 11
"Did you know, Nurse Martha, that today is Veteran's Day?"
I smiled, and nodded
"And, my teacher told me that Veterans are people that serve in the military and sometimes they even die. My grandpa was a veteran".
"As was I"
"You were? But, you didn't die"
"No, I didn't. Not every veteran dies. Would you like to see a picture?"
So off we went into my office where I showed one of my photos from "back in the day".
She took off running to her aide "GUESS WHAT, Nurse Martha is a veteran".
And so today...while I am grateful for having had the opportunity to serve my country, I am also grateful for the kids like Miss W. Who are excited and eager when Veteran's Day rolls around. A holiday not filled with presents or cards...but one celebrated with the simple gestures of flying the flag and saying Thank-you. Thankful indeed!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thankful for...Day 10
And with the days running long on the work-side of my life, it is so good to come home and catch up on a show or two with my hubby.
unwind for a bit before calling it day.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Thankful for...Day 9
Total time spent? less than 10 minutes (yeah, I managed to snag both red lights, which is why it took me so long)
Monday, November 08, 2010
Thankful for...Day 8
(Merrell Clogs, though I also find great comfort in my Keens and my Ryka tennis shoes)
We had over 90 kids visit the clinic for an assortment of stuff...some serious, some silly but all must be treated somewhat the same.
Sitting down? totally over-rated (though I wouldn't be against giving it a try now and then).
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Thankful for...Day 7
Depending on which hour was the bonus, I've done a couple "just for me" things. I scrapbooked for an hour or so this morning, I met a friend for a cup of coffee this afternoon, and this evening I caught up with a couple other friends with over-due phone chats.
Yep, it's been a pretty near perfect weekend...tackling a few chores, spending time with family and friends. Balance? I think I achieved it this weekend.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
Thankful for...Day 5
Around 10 a.m., 2 students came running to my room. "we need a nurse". As we took off running, I got the history, walked into the classroom to find one of our staff members down. I started to call for 911 when it dawned on me...they'd already done that.
Yep, when their teacher had what looked like a seizure, 2 kids went for me, 2 kids went for another teacher, 2 kids stayed by their teacher's side and the rest moved to the back of the room. Until help arrived. No grown up told these kids what to do. They just did it!
Mr. K. remains in ICU, and while his condition remains guarded, it is safe to say that the students in his class...saved his life. I was only there to witness their grace under fire.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Thankful for...Day 4
However, one of the back-to-work adjustments I'm still working through is finding balance. I'm a very social creature and enjoy my "girlfriend" time. Yet, I can't make weekly coffee group. I'm often too tired to get together on a 'school night' and after talking to some 70+ teenagers all day, most days I'm all talked out.
But facebook allows me to jump in and see what others have been up to. My friend list include neighbors, family and even a few co-workers (both past and present). I can hear how my friends are doing and share a laugh or two...all from the comfort of my couch.
And being a Martha...being in touch is rather important.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Thankful for...Day 3
The good news? It was a fabulous day at work. Kids were pleasant, only one was high (and he was remorsefully high..."Oh no, what's this gonna to do my mama?" he kept saying over and over. The mama in me was touched...yet wondered, if you love your mama so much, why'd you smoke the weed AT school while wearing your ankle-bracelet from juvie?)
The bad news? My much loved, well trained, trusted and loyal assistant resigned. Her hubby got a job out of state. My principal just laughed when I suggested she telecommute...but come on, we could make it skype?
So with the help of the Riesling, I'm coming to terms with the reality that it is back to the drawing board in terms of finding an assistant.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Thankful for...Day 2
(hey, I didn't promise award-winning entries on a daily basis)
Monday, November 01, 2010
Thankful for...Day 1
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Bye Bye Timeshare..

Miles, circa 2002, Lawrence Welk Resort, Escondido, CA
And folks wonder why I encourage the motorcycle habit.
Guilty Conscience, I suspect
Hilton Grand Vacation Club, Orlando FL, 2007
But seriously, it is a day to celebrate. We were able to donate the timeshare to charity. A fee was involved (which sort of set of my radar for scams) but that fee was about 1/2 of what we pay each year in maintenance dues/RCI dues/Exchange fees.
Miles at the spa in Pagosa Springs Wyndham Resorts
Without a doubt, we have some wonderful memories of vacations spent "at the time share".
But the idea that now we plan our vacations based on where we want to go, when we want to go, not where there is an RCI opening? needed to go, right?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Track Off Tales
My plan? Has failed miserably. This kid not only enjoys being home, he's showing me in little ways just how responsible he can be when faced with a challenging situation.
- First call came in earlier in the week, when he calmly announced "This is not a big emergency Mom, but um, I can't seem to get my finger unstuck". "Unstuck from WHAT I ask" (and yes, my voice cracked a little, just ask my co-worker who was trying hard not to giggle). "Well, you know that metal loop thing at the end of the saucepan". "yes?"..."Well, I can't get my finger out...oh wait...never's out...Bye!"
- Next time, I pick up the phone and the little voice on the other end tells me 'the good new is, it didn't start a fire". Again, my voice cracks as I attempt to remain calm with my questioning. Turns out, Thing Two tried to fix some lunch (ramen noodles) and got distracted (big surprise, NOT). He soon discovered that water is a critical addition to the successful preparation of Top Ramen.
- The final heart-stopping event was Thursday. I walked in the house soon after the Ramen incident, to discover this brave Thing standing by the back screen door, wimpy fly swatter in hand. As he tries to take on the dozen or so wasps that had flown into the kitchen when he put the scorched pan on the back porch. Good for him (and for my overall health) that the wasps this time of year are very weak (most have died off as the weather is getting cold at night) and thus were already near death as this boy tried to single-handedly fight them all off.
I have to admit...he's done really well and seems very proud of himself for having survived this experience. As for me, well...let's just say I really wish he'd have been bored.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
If it looks like a duck
She then whispers "do you think he took something, you know, drinking or maybe even d.r.u.g.s.?" (yes, I kid you not, she spelled it out...'cuz Skippy can't spell. And never mind the fact that since the Alarm Fiasco, he's under direct adult supervision all school day).
I ask: "Skippy, why are you so sleepy today?"
"Well, Ms. Chang, it's because I didn't go to bed last night. See, I just can't turn off Cartoon Network. ESPECIALLY when Scooby Do is on. "
I'm sorry but all we have here is a sleepy child....whose parents might want to consider setting a timer on the t.v. (trust me, they make such things...just ask the Things in our house).
And as for the "what not to say at a 504 meeting"....if you are giving your child pain pills from YOUR stash, it's probably not a good idea to admit that to a room full of mandatory reporters...just sayin'...
Friday, October 01, 2010
If you name your child Skippy*
which resulted in the evacuation of some 2400 students and staff, right in the middle of first lunch period. Yeah, those poor kids who had life guard training were not a happy bunch to be standing outside in not much more than their suits and flip flops.
And yes, for the record, Skippy is cognitively impaired and had only recently earned the privilege to go to lunch without direct supervision. Um, not any more
(*and yes, I have changed Skippy's case for some remote reason, his parents found out I was blogging about him. Suffice to say, his given name is equally amusing and would result in a "somehow I'm not as surprised as I should be" giggle. Just ask Colleen-O or Mrs. Zimmer).
Tune in later...when I share the "what not to say at a 504 meeting"......
Friday, September 17, 2010
Power of the Peppermint
Not long after this...we hear a radio call looking for Peppermint Boy. Seems he was AWOL.
We reported that no, we were not harboring this fugitive and the security team went searching for him.
Next thing I know, Peppermint Boy is back in our clinic. Only this time he is escorted by the Dean. Sure 'nuf, Peppermint Boy is higher than a kite. Seems he had a different idea on what would settle his upset tummy.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Open Letters
No, we haven't forgotten. 9 years later, and the horror of that day lives on in our memories. Not only will we never forget, I will never forgive.
Proud Patriot
Dear Helicopter Mom
I'm so sorry that "someone" forgot to take the medicine out of your daughter's back pack. I hope by "someone" you really mean your daughter. Because, I've got 2399 other little darlings to worry about. I don't inspect the backpacks. That's the Dean's job. And trust me, he ain't looking for what your daughter is packing!
Weary School Nurse
Good Afternoon Mrs. Germaphobe
I'm so sorry to hear that Princess has strep. You say she caught it on the bus? Oh my bad, here I thought it was from the boy I saw her kissing last week. Sure, I can let the bus driver know she needs to disinfect her ride. But let's just be clear, if Princess ends up preggers, you probably might want to re-think my "germ theory".
Nurse Blunt
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Brought to you by the letter F
Family: here we are, helping Janet and Oscar celebrate their wedding.
And Foolishness...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
What not to say...the school nurse edition
- Never should you start the conversation with "My daughter is a cheerleader". First of all, I wasn't nor do I care that she is a cheerleader (though the Big Cheese boss was, but that's not the reason I respect her leadership style). But, seriously, in my years of medical work, never has cheerleader been a major factor in any health related concern. When the mom continues on to state that Princess is passing out and needs to be able to bring a snack into the classroom, along with maybe some juice, I stop the mom right there. "I'll be happy to provide some sort of pass and note to the teachers if you can submit a note from her doctor that these things are medically indicated". Mom of course notes that well "they don't really know why she is doing this, so there isn't a diagnosis". Oh, I can help out with that part...perhaps it is because SHE"S A CHEERLEADER?!
- Never should you start the conversation with "Well, I got my lip pierced yesterday". OK, if it is before class, during lunch or your off period, I might be willing to help you out. Last time I checked, body piercings of all types were elective. Elective means you don't need to miss class to get a bag of ice...and certainly not when you have had the previous 90 minutes off and never felt the need to come get some ice during your time.
- Never should you claim to not have the funds to purchase "girl stuff" (it's only a quarter, and you've come in for the past 3 days without the quarter) and then immediately start to diss my selection of "stuff". Seriously? If you don't like what we've got, then perhaps bring your own (um, hello, this wasn't a Mother Nature surprise...Day 3 sistah...see that big backpack you've got? Am quiet certain there is room for one tiny kotex in there).
As you can see, we're back in school mode. In case you ever wondered, no...there is little if any "honeymoon period" to the foolish side of school nursing.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
This afternoon, he struts into my clinic, grinning from ear to ear saying "I'm sorry I was late, Mom...but I was delayed"
"Delayed?" I asked "by what?"
"The CHEERLEADERS!" he proudly announced.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ego tripping
Now today, I arrived to find a very sick teacher, surrounded by some concerned co-workers and administrators. We quickly sent her off to urgent care, when I remarked "my guess is it is kidney stones".
Sure enough, later on the boss lady comes to tell me "you were right, it was kidney stones". She was gushing in her praise of my assessment.
They think I'm a genius...oh my, it really does pay to be the only medical type in the building. Because seriously? it's a rather n0-brainer if it presents in a typical fashion.
Oh well...I'll gladly take another hit to the ego...
Yep, it's been a good week (even if I'm exhausted from sorting through thousands of pieces of paper without a tech to help me stay sane...)
Friday, August 06, 2010
You like what?
What? I try to remain calm...remember, this is the quirky Thing...things aren't always as they seem.
I replied with a "What did you say?"
He must have realized he goofed up as he quickly added "Oh, I meant I like the word porn".
"Now, son, what are you talking about?" (getting a little more worried where this conversation is headed)
Blushing he said," You know pictures of the girls".
heart starting to race a little faster, stay calm, don't frighten him off
"With or without clothes?" I cautiously ask
"Eww, Mom, that's gross...why would anyone like to look at pictures of girls without their clothes on?"
Ah...that's the answer I needed to hear. Crisis averted!
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Career "firsts"
What's left? Well, my school a former cheerleader. Never would I have seen that coming. Nursing people tend to have been band geeks, or science freaks. Maybe a couple of us went out for a sport or two. But typically cheerleaders just aren't drawn towards blood and other bodily fluids.
And tonight is my other first....I have to attend a meeting at the school. The "all coaches" call. Yeah, me Miss non-sports fan sitting in a room full of jocks. But, we all need to know about the plans for rapidly responding to possible head off I'll go.
And to think that a team meeting is going to result in my missing Back-to-School night for the younger Thing. Never would I have predicted that...there is indeed...always a first!
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
The truth is in the laundry...
No, not Thing One. He loves his showers and his baths.
Um, yeah...even he has fallen off the shower wagon.
How did I discover it?
Folding laundry, I counted 7 pairs of boxers for the Hubby and 7 for the younger thing.
Anyone want to guess how many of Thing One's shorts I found?
TWO...two pairs....
Dude, take a shower...AND change your briefs!
Girls don't like a stinky boy...nor does your mama.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
A new week
For starters, you could say we were
Transformed by Chicago...
Can you guess which Thing was most jazzed by this unexpected finding?
We found our way to the giant kidney bean...
And finally...we're almost ready to head home..
But first, let's kill some time with the critters at
the Lincoln Park Zoo
Chicago is indeed a fabulous family friendly destination to check out!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
All in a week
Pie Eating Contest

Well, you can see we were able to turn that frown upside down...
We attempted to infuse some education into the week...
But countless other families apparently had the same idea so we headed off for a picnic
Which included rock climbing
And some unplanned water fun...
Still not ready to call it a wrap, I loaded up just my Things and we headed for...
*Keep this foolishness up, and I'll need to go back to work to REST!*
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
A perfect day
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Car Talk
Today's question: "Mom, why don't boys have periods?"
Um...pause...searching for the right words...
Good thing I stalled...because otherwise I'm sure I would have offered up too much information.
"Because you know, it isn't really fair...I hear the girls get to miss school when it starts. I want to miss school".
Friday, June 11, 2010
School's out...
On the second day of vacation: I got a pedicure
On the third day of vacation: I read a book (cover-to-cover!)
School is out....and I couldn't be happier!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Mission accomplished!
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