There he goes, my oldest Thing, heading off to school. Next week at this time, he'll be officially done with elementary school. His bag? Some sort of brown bag book report: I know nothing about it. He did it completely on his own (which as a crafty hovering parent, you know this sort of independence kills me...but I"m also glad he's capable and interested in flying solo more and more!)

I came home to this. It's in the "don't ask" category of household management. That same adorable Thing pictured above was determined to find something earlier in the week and this is what was left in his path. I should work on putting it all back where it belongs. But instead, I hop on Face Book and discover...

that my dear friend,
TZ is willing and able to goof off. So, I swing by her place. Isn't her yard looking delicious these days? All that rain has really helped green everything up. That's for sure.

I tempted TZ with the idea of scoping out the local garage sale scene. Really? We just drive around the snooty neighborhoods, catch up on gossip, ooh and ahh over homes with cute curb appeal and then I suggest LUNCH...

You see, TZ's birthday is Monday so I offered to take her out for an early celebration. Mind you I told her that I'd take her to Rumbi: then realized that was rude, so I asked her if she liked Rumbi. Sometimes the pushy part of my Martha ways just takes over. But really? Who doesn't love Rumbi?

On the way home, we took the back way as I wanted to show her these rows of homes with incredible hail damage. On this yellow house, where it looks like chipping paint? Those are HUGE gouges in the sides of homes where the hail hit at what looks like 90 degree angles.Seriously, these pictures don't show the full magnitude and depth of the damage. YOWZA!

I delivered TZ back to her place. I'm sure she went on to do amazing and productive things. Me? I realized I had a Friday tradition to uphold...fast food delivery

You see, years ago, I started to offer Thing One fast food on Fridays. He was having a rough time of it and this was a good tool to motivate him. But somewhere along the line, it has become our tradition. Sure, I grumble and groan about the delivery service but I also must admit, I love seeing him and his posse of pals flock over to meet me when I show up with French fries on Fridays.

I recently joined the neighborhood social committe. Yeah, I know, you are probably thinking "finally?"...
I needed to put up some signs for our upcoming Party In the Park event...and realized, I should offer a "pretty" glimpse of the 'hood after last week's views of the police presence.

For 12 yrs this corner of our subdivision has remained vacant. (Ok, probably longer, but we've only lived here for 12 yrs). An assortment of people have promised great things for this corner and finally something is starting to happen. I hear it is going to be a Sprouts. This means I'll have less of an excuse for not offering fresh fruit and veggies more often. Apparently, that is their specialty.

It isn't just me starting to run on fumes. The mystery van was one thirsty chick.

And last stop before I go collect the Things, fuel for the family. It's goulash soup for dinner? Got plenty of left overs...come on over, if you happen to be in the area!