Tantrum Solutions
The purpose of this paragraph is to explain how to get yourself grounded from video games. First, get angry about nothing. You then stomp up to your room. Next, loudly slam the door of your lousy room. This will start to annoy the people in your family. Next, you start to cry. This will get out the tears. It is now time to throw things. First, throw things off your bed. Next, throw books, stuffed animals (but not anything important). This will make a loud noise and your mom will come upstairs to see what is going on. She will plug out your television. If you don’t have a television in your room, skip this part. Now it is time to calm down. You breathe in and out and think about what your done. Lastly, go apologize to your mom and dad. Now, they might give you a harsh punishment. That is how you find yourself grounded from video games.
The end.