Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Year in Review- 2003

Foreword- in order for me to locate this entry with greater ease- I am changing the publication date to match the date that I have summarized. In truth- this post was written 2/18/22as part of my ongoing efforts to switch to a digital format for story telling.  

I'm Listening-  To my heart and reflecting on what gives me joy.   Joy right now comes from not only "remembering the stories" but also simplifying the physical attachment to things that hold a story.  

I've always found myself drawn to journaling and memory keeping.     Initially it was in the form of paper and pen.   When the scrapbooking craze came around- I was all over that.   It combined my love of story telling with photographs.   And of course, there is this blog- while  often neglected but never completely ignored.  

But here I sit, with some 30+ completed albums (this shows just the ones that are kept upstairs-there are even more stashed in the basement) and I wonder- what to do, what to do.

Some I will keep, but many just add to the "stuff" factor that I am fully committed to downsizing. 

The Things are not going to want to have to keep these heavy books with my memories into their adult life any more than I want to keep the boxes of photos my dad has started to pass on to my sister and I.

 I firmly believe that the best gift I can give myself and my family is to break some of them down and move forward.   

I'm Loving:   That with the ease of cameras on our phones and access to a flatbed scanner, it is really simply a matter of  taking time to break down some of those albums, and reflect briefly on the Year that was 2003.
the last time the Chang Gang had a formal family picture taken...
That deer in the headlight look I am sporting?   It was simply a  reflection of just how chaotic it was to get a very active and easily distracted Thing 1 to settle in for a picture.   Hubby and I walked away, in 100% agreement of "never again", candid photos will have to suffice because there was simply no joy to be had with this studio experience.

But aside from that milestone memory- what else made 2003 a special year?

For being "natives" to Colorado- neither Thing were all that interested to be out in the cold.  So when they did agree to bundle up and explore the outdoors, of course Mama grabbed the camera to document the experience.  
Quite possibly the last time this Thing shoveled (nah, just kidding...maybe?)
This would be the year we would up our game as Dom lovingly and creatively crafted a dragon (keep in mind- this was pre-Pinterest and YouTube- that creativity is 100% DC inspired!)   that we would take to the school to share with the Thing 1's kindergarten class to help teach them about the Chinese New Year.  
Thing 2 was our test driver...

Rocky Mountain spring weather usually means a spring snowstorm or two.   This year, what had been forecasted as a "little snow" ended up leaving us with over 28 inches in less than 24 hours (3/17/03).   
Our not so happy snow removal crew of one 
Thinking- maybe a snow blower is worth the cost?
It would be during the "dig out" phase that US Forces would take the first steps into Iraq- starting the Iraq War (20 Mar 2003).   Curious to note that in the original scrapbook I crafted- I made no mention of this current event...

Spring time in Parkview...Easter egg hunts...
Thing 2  is knee deep in the phase of "everything can be converted to a hat"
Oh sure they pose practically perfect for the picture with their dad?  
Lish Easter tradition continues...lunch at our house...

followed by another egg hunt at DaLishes...

Time to visit the Grandparents...
First stop was Holmen...where we helped Grandpa Richard celebrate the big 70...
And we cruised on the mighty Mississippi for a bit..
My notes indicated that Thing 2 was rather perplexed by the absence of a potty when we stopped to swim along one of the many sandbars.   
The older thing...not a care in the world...

Next trip would be to California to spend some time with the California Changs.   
We decided to try taking the train out was fun, for the first 8 hours or so.   No sooner did we arrive in California, were we calling our friends "You know those Buddy passes you offered?   Is the offer still there?"
The kids were pretty impressed that Grandma not only had a basketball...
But also was willing to join in the fun of shooting hoops!
Grandma and one of her piglets...
Little did we know- this would be the last visit to 520 Lopes Court in Pinole- 
soon after our visit, the Grandparents moved to Marin county.  

We enjoyed a visit with "uncle" Mike...who enjoyed showing Thing 1 how to kick back and relax...
and our Halloween House party featured a very special Scarecrow...
otherwise known as Grandpa..
Bikers take over the school yard...
Sporting smiles and weariness...
Be it from fatigue or a mom who never stops with the picture taking?
I embraced my inner "Martha" to host a Halloween Party..
And was happy to receive a generous offer to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Lishes..

Thing One
I wrote back then...You are what I call "perpetually happy!".   Never afraid to show your feelings-if a song makes you want to dance, you dance.  if you are scare, you come in search of a comforting hug.   And yes, you don't hesitate to express your frustration much to our dismay.   You are working hard to figure out this growing up process-   When your kindergarten teacher got engaged, you innocently asked me "Mom, when you grow up, are you going to get married too?".   You find a phrase and love to repeat it-   some of our favorites this year where "chicken nugget" and "Jimmy Neutron Hair".   It's cute at first, but by the 100th time, we are always eager for you to try out a new phrase.   You are fascinated by all things Power Ranger, Transformers and even enjoyed a renewed interest in Veggie Tales.   That provided us with some comic relief when you announced you were headed to the Promise Land, and that you didn't need to play in the backyard, because well "God will watch out for me in the front yard!".  In March, we pulled you out of a center based program for autism, and enrolled you in an enrichment program in your homeschool- and you proudly announced that "My dreams have come true" when you learned you would get to eat lunch in the cafeteria.
Thing Two
Back then I wrote:  You are indeed quite the character!   We are never quite sure what you are going to say (we think you get this trait from your mother).   Maybe it's the whole 2nd child syndrome-  who knows, we love you just the same.   You love your Legos, Spiderman and hanging with your best bud, Tyler.   When asked "What are you doing?"   you answer with a guilt filled "Not anything".   You are creative in your word choice-   from talking about the cookerator (stove)  to bunks (stuffy nose), it's always a curios process to sort out what you are trying to tell us. One afternoon, you spotted wine in the back of the Mystery Van- and remarked "Is Mr. Eric sick again?   You bought him more juice?"
Final Thoughts
It's a little after 7pm...I started this project earlier in the day...yes, on a whim when I really should have been paying attention to a zoom meeting.   However, I am am feeling very energized by the fact that there is now one less scrapbook to be stored on a too full bookshelf.   The stories are still preserved, without the bulk of the an album.   The pictures have been scanned and pitched.   And I feel good!  

Until next time...
Take time to dance in the rain...