Wednesday, December 31, 1997

Year in Review-1997

Foreward- in order for me to locate this entry with greater ease- I am changing the publication date to match the date that I have summarized. In truth- this post was written 6/2024 as part of my ongoing efforts to switch to a digital format for story telling.  


I'm feeling grateful- over 2 years ago I set out with the intention of downsizing some of the many scrapbooks I have created over the years.   And while it has taken me far longer than I anticipated (life happens, and of course motivation ebbs and flows), I am very grateful to be sitting here, sifting through the final chapter in this phase of the project.   I knew going into this- I wanted to start with 2005 (the year I started blogging) and work backward to 1997- 

Why 1997?   What's so special about that year as the stopping point?

Well, it isn't so much as a "stopping point" but rather a starting point.

For it was in 1997 that we went from couple status to family- or in our case- the start of the Chang Gang  As this blog has always been about sharing stories of our family- I figure it will be a good stopping point for the yearly reviews.  

So- without any more ramblings..let's get this story started

In the early hours of July 5th- Thing 1 made his arrival into the world..
and well...things would never be the same...

There would be grandparents to charm..
From the great
to the grand...
and of course- the California Grands

There were ships to explore..
and beaches to see
We'd make sure that he met
Friends galore...
From lifelong family friends...
to college classmates
We'd head "home" to WI
and despite some mild protests
he'd prove to be a pretty easy going traveler...
We'd honor traditions..
from the serious
to the not so serious
and in no time at all..
We'd be entering the home stretch 
of our first full year in Colorado..

A year where we bought a new house

and soon made it a home
where friends would come calling...
meals were enjoyed.
and our hearts would be filled with joy!

Until next time...
may you always find joy in the journey..