Sunday, December 29, 2024

November-December Recap


I'm listening to nothing!   Ok, so that's not totally true- a timer just went off (time to stretch and fold the sourdough),  and a buzzer just rang letting me know I should go rotate the laundry.   But other than that it's pretty quiet.   Hubby is off at the RV storage facility tinkering on something RV related, Thing 1 has just headed off to work and Thing 2 is sleeping in preparation for the start of the last stretch of nights for this calendar year.   

Which simply means- It is  as good a time as any to update the blog.   

I'm loving that somehow- November just ran into December and here we are looking at only 2 days left in this year.   I am in the camp of "maybe it's not the most wonderful time of the year!".   Not sure why that is- but it's been that way for as long as I can recall.  Each year, my goal is simply to make it thru Christmas without too much of a struggle.   I got to say that this year-it all just unfolded "just right".

Seasonal Joy is..

A November blizzard...
Ok- I am not sure if the officials called that early November storm a blizzard- but it sure was a lot more snow than we typically see before Thanksgiving.   I was happy that hubby was home when it started to fall- not only would I have been worried if he was out camping but he is also the one with the more dedicated snow blower skills.  The Things happened to have the day off as well- so we were able to sit back- sip the bourbon and watch the flurries fly!  
*side note- that's the large bottle of tin cup-and this was just phase 1 of a multi-day storm
Baking Bread with my Bestie

I come from a long line of accomplished bakers.  And while I can hold my own in the cookie department
Exhibit A-not bad at baking cookies..
I have never had the confidence to take on bread making.  

So when I spotted a class designed to teach you how to make "sourdough-in a day," with the adjustments for high altitude already incorporated, I decided I was ready to give it a try.   My friend  humored me and agreed to tag along.

Cutting to the chase (chaotic class, too many students, not enough starter), yes- I can now bake a decent loaf of sourdough bread.   Maybe not as pretty as others, nor as sour as sourdough experts suggest it should be- but it's good enough for my family and  me!  

Crafting with a purpose
Early in November- I helped a friend with making cards to be used with a local meals-on-wheels program.  The agency wanted to include Thanksgiving cards with the holiday deliveries.   So together a group of us joined forces and made close to 200 hand-made cards.   

I found that I had so much fun- I wanted to keep the momentum up-.  So, after Thanksgiving, I  invited a friend to join me to make Christmas cards.
As an apology (for suggesting a pricey-chaotic cooking class)- I offered to add in a tutorial for making my signature caramel corn.  
And before we knew it- we'd made 50 cards to deliver to a local nursing home..
With next to no dent being made in our paper-crafting stash..not sure that's a joy worth celebrating..
maybe next year? 

Celebrating a milestone with a cup of tea
A few months ago, a dear friend retired after 40 years of federal service.    Knowing what a milestone moment this was, I offered to treat her to high tea.   Soon after Thanksgiving- we were able to cash in on this offer, as we  celebrated this new chapter in her life at the Carriage House Tea shop in Elizabeth, CO.  
Cheers my friend Mrs. M!
Just think of all the fun we can have now that we are both 
free during the week!

While  these were clearly the highlights of the past two months, there are a few other random moments that sparked some joy...

There was the

Look Ma, I made it myself...
and an 
Are you kidding me mom?
A former colleague and her husband host a wreath making party each year.   While I've gone before- this was the first time that my wreath turned out looking like- well, an actual Christmas wreath!   

And poor Thing 1- being the child of a scrapbooking mom, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease him with this little trip down memory lane.  "But son, you used to love Geoffroy!"   He humored me- just like he has most of his life- posed for the picture and quickly asked "can we go now?!"   

and the memories made with friends by ...
Taking a garden stroll...
where we found
 the lights all a glow...
with what I hope becomes a tradition..
Songs of good cheer...
both here and there..

There was a birthday to embrace..
lemon curd pancakes for the win..
And a movie to watch...
with myself learning that I've become my dad-
paying for a ticket to take a nap in a public place?! uff da...
I gotta say- for being a retiree- I sure kept busy these past 2 months...

I'm feeling accomplished.   The task of updating the blog is complete, the bread is ready to go in the oven and I feel that call of the couch beckoning me to enjoy an afternoon nap!

Until next time...
May you too find a way to celebrate the season
in your own special way! 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

September-October Recap


I'm listening to the nagging voice in my head that says "update the blog".   If I'm being honest- I'm not really feeling it.    I'd rather pour myself another cup of coffee and just chill out.   But then I come back to  recalling the original reason for why I started this blog.   The blog is where I can pause and reflect on the stories and events that make up our family life.   If I don't hit pause-or in this case- pull myself out of my fog of laziness and just do it- the days become a blur and the joy I get from our family stories gets lost.   

 So- in the words of the family cat- Owen--

Put your phone away and let's get this update started!  

I'm loving FALL

I've never been very good at the "name your favorite" game.   I like red and white wine (although not at the same time).  I like coffee and tea.   I can do dine in or take out.  And now that I'm retired-I can admit to being either an early bird or a night owl-depending on what's caught my attention for that particular moment in time.

But ask me what is my favorite season?    I have a clear winner!   Hands down- I am Team Autumn!  

From the crisp morning starts...
to the crackle of the evening fire...
Fall leaves me filled with joy!

And these past two months- there's been plenty to be joyful about..
We camped with friends not just once...
but twice...

I enjoyed a day trip with Thing 1...
where we checked out a kitty cafe in Colorado Springs..
and took the kid to the candy store..
Where believe it or not- he left without buying a thing!
There was tea time in Elizabeth
with more food than we could take in..
And day drinking in Telluride..
With views that took our breath away..
Ok- maybe that was the altitude?
Nah- Mother Nature put on quite the show for us..
with even a few hearty late bloomers adding to the chorus
of fall colors!
I made a new friend in Silverton...
learned a new card game in Montrose
and yes...
we did reach a point of Fall foliage saturation..
But nothing that a night cap of whiskey 
or a  lazy day at camp won't fix..

With the leaves reaching "post peak" and the night time temps dropping beyond our preferred range, it was time for me to head back home and call it a wrap on the camping adventures ("for now")

I did squeeze in one more Front Range day trip adventure with Thing 1
where we spent the day poking around Boulder..

I'm feeling happy to be back home.
Where I was happy to see more whimsical decorations going up in the neighborhood
(because hello-isn't an election year scary enough?)
and my favorite wreath reminds me of the calming peace I find in the 
cozy comfort of home!

Until next time...
Take it one sip at a time..
by golly- I think it's time to hit publish!