Tuesday, September 03, 2024


I'm listening to the buzz of the washer and dryer.   I just got home from a quick adventure to the Midwest and hope to turn around tomorrow and join Hubby for some camping.   I figured in between the loads- I'd pause and reflect on the month that seemed to just fly by in the blink of an eye!

I'm loving that the tension in the House of Chang is significantly less than it was when we started

Thank heavens for Owen- the calmer of nerves...
The plan was for Thing 2 to have some elective surgery towards the end of the month.   It's worth noting- that none of us are great at just waiting- oh no, we wait and worry, we wait and get anxious, we wait and get irritable. 
Suffice to say- it was a tense start to the month!
Naps- are indeed self care!
As we were driving to the hospital at  0500 in the morning- we received word that the hospital was canceling all planned procedures and surgeries due to a mechanical issue that was system wide.   UH OH- given the high emotions running through us both- I thought for sure we'd have a major meltdown right there on Colfax Blvd (me-not her!).

When to my great surprise- she was calm and at peace- going on to say that she really wasn't sure she wanted to reschedule- the risks and worries were outweighing the benefits.  

And just like that- there was peace in the House of Chang once again!
So-besides worry- what else happened this month?
There was bonding over some maintenance issues- 
as Hubby and Thing 2 put the topper back on the truck...
after nearly 4 years of her being "topless"- it is odd to see the truck now with a cover!

I found another rusty burro...
This fella was guarding the public outhouse in Leadville..
when MB, SG and I took a little day drive up to visit with a friend
visiting from Texas...

We found ourselves asking "Where's the Beef?"
After the internist explained that some dietary changes were in order for Hubby

It's a good thing I had already started to put some changes 
into place!

There was a week-day road trip with my fav retiree...
Mt. Blue Sky will be closed for repairs- projected to last
nearly 18 months- so we decided to head for the hills..
Where this majestic fella reminded me...
when life gets rocky...hang on..
photo courtesy of Dom

And as the month came to a close...
I headed home...
for a 4 day binge of all things Midwest..
selfies at River Falls
Spotted Cow on tap
Friday Night Fish Fry at the supper club..
Happy Hour at the Legion...
gawked at the Amish neighbors
who were putting a lid on their silo 
(where's a drone when you need one?!)
 we chatted with the locals
and sampled the treats of our Norwegian ancestors.
We celebrated the blushing bride of 65 years..
*not sure why we didn't get a photo of the couple together..
But he was there too..
I found a lake with my name on it..
We made sure that our Laura
got to visit "the other Laura's" museum in Pepin, WI
and we even foolishly tried to  visit "the Mall"..
where it was more than clear- at least here- Brick and Mortar is alive and well!

I'm feeling grateful

that despite a bumpy start to the month...
In the end, we found plenty of things to bring a smile to our face...

Until next time...
Say Yes
to a chance to make new memories..
with the one that's known you the longest!

Thursday, August 01, 2024

July Recap


I'm listening to the whir of the ceiling fan in the "hen den" (or my craft room/office space).  It's actually a calming sound- something I hadn't really noticed before.  And of course it is helping cool us off- as we enter yet another week of weather approaching triple digits.  Uff Da!

I'm loving that- one day into a new month and I'm sitting here at the keyboard- determined to update the blog.   These monthly recaps help me sift through the countless photos I take with my phone camera- and allow me to reflect on what we did this past month.  And while some months the creativity flows a little easier- I am loving that this is a habit I have stuck to for many years now.

So what happened this month?

There were houseguests to host...
as Thing 1 had a friend fly in to join in on the
madness that is FanFest Denver- 

And parades to attend
While our Things have outgrown the tradition-
I still enjoy joining my friends
while we cheer on the young ones...
taking pride in the knowledge that I started this tradition
out of nostalgic feelings for my own 4th of July memories
circa 1975
Some of us had 
chores to  tackle...
as Thing 1 worked incredibly hard to make the 
Pat Cave- company ready

Others had 
Kittens to be rescued...
as I joined a friend for a morning of volunteering
at a local animal shelter- we just drove the kittens from point A to point B
I am proud to report-
when it comes to cats- we are a one-and-done family..
Owen remains our only...

I took time to update some of my crafting skills
By enrolling in an introductory class at our library's "maker's space"

Where after a few classes- you are welcome to come and play with these pricier crafting gadgets
As the heat continued to climb...
and the calendar cleared out...
it was time to head for the hills...

in search of solitude
and wildflowers
And while we found plenty of beauty in 
Crested Butte...
it would take a bit of extra work to find the solitude
Note to future self-
Taylor Park Reservoir is beautiful-but
way too popular for our tastes.
We tried to join the fun of
Fairplay Burro Days..
but the first day of the festival- apparently is set up day..
and the only ass we spotted was this rusty one

Fear not- the day was still well spent..
As we took in the history of South Park
Uh oh- wrong one...
This one...
Where in the 1950s- a bunch of citizens interested in preserving the history of this area, started to build this city museum.  Some buildings are original
such as this one- once the town brewery now a well curated museum..
while other buildings have been relocated to add to the "park" style the organizers were aiming for.
And while we've been to plenty of these types of living history museums in our travels- this one felt special..
Maybe it's just that our selfie game is getting better...
But I was impressed!   
For while it was readily apparent that it remains a rather low-budget affair, 
for something that started at a grass roots level..
it remains well loved and nicely curated!
I truly felt like you left feeling a little more connected
 to the history of these often times tired looking Colorado mountain towns!
Bonus points- in that we found more flowers...
to include my summer favorite..
the Columbine...
I'm feeling just right
I've got my stitchery-and Olympics to watch
and the sun seems to be setting a little earlier each night...
reminding me that these hot days of summer are drifting away..

Until next time..
Don't be afraid to hit pause...
and zoom in..
for it's sometimes in the thick of the meadow..
that you spot the sweetness of baby moose!