Friday, June 21, 2013

Every Summer has a story...

The calendar informed me that today is the first day of summer.  Really?   It seems like we've been enjoying the lazy days of summer for the past several weeks.  So, time for a quick recap...because well, without the blog, I forget what it is that we were doing during the summer of let's start telling the stories of 
Summer 2013!

This is our first summer with two full fledged teenagers in the house:   as Thing One crossed into teen land towards the end last summer (yes, he seems like an old soul, but honestly, he is just 13). 

 When they were little, these things were just like their Mama:   they could not sleep in.  0615 was a late wake up call for them.  Friends commented "just wait, they'll be teens some day".  And sure enough, the sleep factor has arrived here at the house of Chang..

This one?
Can easily sleep until well past noon....when we let him...which I often do.  HELLO?   You don't wake sleeping babies, nor does one set off to wake a sleeping teenager unless you need to.

And what about Thing Two?  Here he sits in his pre-summer look...waiting for the doctor to come check out why he has the nosebleeds from H*LL.  
Turns out he had two blood vessels on the floor of the nose that were very close to the surface and easily irritated.  A quick cauterization, and $750 later, he's been nosebleed free for 3 weeks and counting (since we were on an every other day-with one bleed lasting 90 minutes, this was money and time well spent)

Thing Two has sported the long hair look for several years I was rather surprised when he announced he wanted to go short...really short in I present to you...
the Clean Cut look of Thing Two..

Thing One decided that his brother no longer lived with us, instead, we were hosting a foreign exchange kid.
Thing Two, without missing a beat decided his exchange student name would be
 Kilometer Lee..

So, we've got nosebleeds cleared up, hair cuts done, and as you noticed on 12 on the 12th, the traveling man returned safely from Alaska.   
What else is new?  
Well, Grandpa was kind enough to give us season passes to Elitches...a locally owned amusement park. 
We've been a couple times....and the boys have had fun with their friends...
 Being Boys...

And as for me?   Well, my husband took me to court this weekend....yep, at my seemed like a great way to report for Jury Duty...

 So stick around, for more summer stories yet to be experienced....

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