Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Thankful for...Day 3

that chilled bottle of Riesling and my sweet hubby for pouring me a cold one.

The good news? It was a fabulous day at work. Kids were pleasant, only one was high (and he was remorsefully high..."Oh no, what's this gonna to do my mama?" he kept saying over and over. The mama in me was touched...yet wondered, if you love your mama so much, why'd you smoke the weed AT school while wearing your ankle-bracelet from juvie?)

The bad news? My much loved, well trained, trusted and loyal assistant resigned. Her hubby got a job out of state. My principal just laughed when I suggested she telecommute...but come on, we could make it skype?

So with the help of the Riesling, I'm coming to terms with the reality that it is back to the drawing board in terms of finding an assistant.

1 comment:

tz said...

oh no (and ymmm, Riesling, one of my faves..I even like saying it..Riesling