Thursday, September 13, 2007


Why is it that coffee (or whatever your preferred morning warm beverage might be)
  • tastes better on a crisp cool morning?
  • smells better when someone else has started the brew?
  • is enjoyed way more when shared with good friends?

Come on over, and I"ll put a fresh pot on just to prove these observations to ya'll!


Dodi said...

What time should I show up?

The second best thing about coffee at Martha's house? Sugar cubes!!!

(First best? Obviously MARTHA!)

Colleen O said...


I don't know if I make lousy coffee, but it always tastes best in another SW's kitchen!

tz said...

and this is the perfect morning for it...i know because i've been up since 4...

I could thrill you with conversations about the adverse GI effects of NSAID's....but I have to take a test....
would rather be in martha's kitchen with sugar cubes and coffee anytime!

tz said...

oh oops, today's friday...and you wrote this yesterday...well yesterday was a good day too...

where's the time going?