Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Appearance of Clean

Thing Two comes downstairs, dressed and ready to start the day. Now I know he likes his brown t-shirts, but the one he had on this morning looked suspiciously familiar. Like maybe he'd worn it recently, maybe even as recent as yesterday. So, I asked him "Son, isn't that the shirt you wore yesterday?" He pulls it to his nose, sniffs it and remarks "Yeah, but it looked clean sitting on the floor!"

Dude...followed by a motherly heavy sigh.

You see, I've spent the better part of the last couple of days getting the house in tip-top Martha shape. Why? Of course, I haven't turned to the neat-freak side of the world, but instead my dad is arriving tomorrow morning. I want the house to look perfect. Or as close to perfect as possible when there are kids around. And me for that matter! Consistent neatness is not my forte! And yet, I ask myself, why bother? Dad of all people is well aware of my very messy nature. I guess I just want to show him that I am indeed all grown up now..

But you know, what, he probably knows that whether the house is clean or not!

1 comment:

tz said...

isn't it funny how we still want to please our parents and want them to be proud of us...even the small act of cleaning the house to make them happy and get that pat on the back that we're good kids...
haha, or am i projecting?